LexTheGreat / TLX.Takistan

TLX 2.0
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All tickets are paid to Blufor #39

Open gioporta opened 8 years ago

gioporta commented 8 years ago

Even if Opfor or TNP issue a ticket, it is still split up between the players on Blufor.

LexTheGreat commented 8 years ago

Have to change the ticket system around so that it is the team giving the ticket that gets the cash.

gioporta commented 8 years ago


interact_ticket_distribute = {
    private["_player", "_target", "_amount"];
    _player = _this select 0;
    _target = _this select 1;
    _amount = _this select 2;

    if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};
    if (not([_target] call player_human)) exitWith {};
    if (_amount <= 0) exitWith {};

    if (not(isNato)) exitWith {
        _message = format["%1-%2 paid %3-%4's ticket of $%5", _target, (name _target), _player, (name _player), strM(_amount)];
        server globalChat _message;

    private["_cop_count", "_cop_money"];
    _cop_count = playersNumber west;
    _cop_money = round(_amount / _cop_count);
    player groupChat format["You got $%1 because %2-%3 paid %4-%5's ticket of $%6", _cop_money, _target, (name _target), _player, (name _player), strM(_amount)];
    [player, _cop_money] call transaction_bank;