Closed MoreThanHidden closed 1 year ago
The forge version is unfortunately not maintained by the original port developer anymore. I might take a look again at this issue when I create a new forge version but as of now, I have to let this issue open. Thanks for the report anyways!
Fixed in bluepower-1.18.2-0.6.314-alpha on my side, but the crash when compatibilityMode != false is still an issue.
It seems like the crash is only caused by this mod's old (not yet deprecated) version.
Blue Power Dev here, had an Issue logged due to rendering crashes took me a while to figure out which mod was causing the issues, seems to be Fluidlogged mod, assuming it is modifying the microblocks because they are water-loggable, which is breaking the renderer.
Open issues on Blue Power and JEI: and
Had recommended setting the following in fluidlogged-common.toml:
Attempting to set compatibilityMode to true causes a crash... crash-2023-02-05_08.22.01-client.txt latest.log