Closed piregg closed 1 year ago
trying the GTA ChinaTown game myself it does seem to run fine..
Ok thanks for checking. I ran another game and it did infact work, so this lead me to believe something was cached or wrong with this particular game on my system. I looked up the ID and found some folders relating to this game in ux0:/app and appmeta. Not sure what these are for exactly but I deleted the folders for this game, relaunched the game and it now works! I think the issue is because I had launched several psp games with adrenaline which had created this data, before switching to your method. I'm not sure if there is a way to clear up all this data in advance? Thanks again for checking.
ux0:/app is for VITA games- it shouldnt be used by the pspemu at all; appmeta is cache of livearea images & where livearea updates are stored, mostly irrelevant to the pspemu too; as the livearea for these will never be updated;
i dont even know if ux0:/appmeta is supposed to store pspemu stuff.
the only thing nopspemudrm really caches is the license files it generates; so that it can reduce IO usage and load up faster next time around .. (time to start games for the first time is O(N) and increases linearly with every game added; -- starting a game will scan the entire ux0:/pspemu/PSP/GAME folder until a EBOOT or EDAT file matching the content id of the license it tried to access is found, then a PSP license file is generated using the key read from that file.
Hi there, I have updated PKGJ to the latest and upgraded a few other things, including trying to get PSP games using your new method. The install appears to have gone ok (GTA ChinaTown Wars), and a bubble appeared, when I tap the bubble it immediately exits. I double checked the plugins (NoPspEmuDrm_user.suprx and NoPspEmuDrm_kern.skprx) and I can see the files in the correct place (ur0:tai/)
Here is my config that lives ur0:/tai/config.txt
Any help would be appreciated!