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Polish language for this mod. #1

Open Zbig281 opened 7 months ago

Zbig281 commented 7 months ago


if (!isObject(LiFxKillFeed)) { new ScriptObject(LiFxKillFeed) { }; }

package LiFxKillFeed { function LiFxKillFeed::setup() { //$LiFx::hooks::onDeathCallbacks = JettisonArray("onDeathCallbacks"); //$LiFx::hooks::onKillCallbacks = JettisonArray("onKillCallbacks"); //$LiFx::hooks:: = JettisonArray("onSuicideCallbacks"); //LiFx::registerCallback($LiFx::hooks::onKillCallbacks, onKnockout, LiFxKillFeed); LiFx::registerCallback($LiFx::hooks::onKillCallbacks, onKill, LiFxKillFeed); LiFx::registerCallback($LiFx::hooks::onSuicideCallbacks, onSuicide, LiFxKillFeed); } function LiFxKillFeed::version() { return "1.0.0"; } function LiFxKillFeed::addCustomText(%this, %resultSet) { if(%resultSet.ok() && %resultSet.nextRecord()) { %RootContainerID = %resultSet.getFieldValue("RootContainerID"); %Name = %resultSet.getFieldValue("Name") SPC %resultSet.getFieldValue("LastName"); dbi.Select(LiFxKillFeed, "addFeature","INSERT INTO custom_texts (Custom_text) VALUES ('" @ %Name @ "') RETURNING ID, " @ %RootContainerID @ " as RootContainerID"); } dbi.remove(%resultSet); %resultSet.delete(); } function LiFxKillFeed::addFeature(%this, %resultSet) { if(%resultSet.ok() && %resultSet.nextRecord()) { %ReturnID = %resultSet.getFieldValue("ID"); %RootContainerID = %resultSet.getFieldValue("RootContainerID"); dbi.Select(LiFxKillFeed, "addFeatureToItem","INSERT INTO features (CustomtextID) VALUES (" @ %ReturnID @ ") RETURNING ID, " @ %RootContainerID @ " as RootContainerID"); } dbi.remove(%resultSet); %resultSet.delete(); }

function LiFxKillFeed::addFeatureToItem(%this, %resultSet) { if(%resultSet.ok() && %resultSet.nextRecord()) { %ReturnID = %resultSet.getFieldValue("ID"); %RootContainerID = %resultSet.getFieldValue("RootContainerID"); dbi.Update("UPDATE items SET FeatureID = " @ %ReturnID @ " WHERE ID = (SELECT ID FROM items WHERE ObjectTypeID = 1409 and ContainerID = " @ %RootContainerID @ " ORDER BY ID desc LIMIT 1)"); } dbi.remove(%resultSet); %resultSet.delete(); } function LiFxKillFeed::MessageAllWithCustomText(%this, %resultSet) { if(%resultSet.ok() && %resultSet.nextRecord()) { LiFxUtility::messageAll(2480, %resultSet.getFieldValue("Message")); } dbi.remove(%resultSet); %resultSet.delete(); }

function LiFxKillFeed::onKill(%this, %CharID, %KillerID, %isKnockout, %Tombstone) { if(!%isKnockout) { LiFx::debugEcho(%this SPC %CharID SPC %isKnockout SPC %Tombstone); if(%KillerID $= "4294967294") { dbi.Select(LiFxKillFeed, "MessageAllWithCustomText", "SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT((SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) FROM character where ID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' został(a) zabity(a) przez NPC, NPC już zabiły łącznie '),' ' ,(SELECT COUNT() FROM chars_deathlog WHERE KillerID != CharID and IsKnockout = 0 and KillerID = " @ %KillerID @ "), ' graczy na dzikim terenie') as Message"); } else { dbi.Select(LiFxKillFeed, "MessageAllWithCustomText", "SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT((SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) FROM character where ID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' został(a) poćwiartowany(a) przez '), (SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) from character where ID = " @ %KillerID @ "),' popełnił(a) już ' ,(SELECT COUNT() FROM chars_deathlog WHERE KillerID != CharID and IsKnockout = 0 and KillerID = " @ %KillerID @ "), ' morderstw łącznie') as Message");
} } }

// function LiFxKillFeed::onKnockout(%this, %CharID, %KillerID, %LargeBag) { // if(%isKnockout) { // LiFx::debugEcho(%this SPC %CharID SPC %KillerID SPC %Tombstone); // dbi.Select(LiFxKillFeed, "MessageAllWithCustomText", "SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT((SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) FROM character where ID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' został(a) znokautowany(a) przez '), (SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) from character where ID = " @ %KillerID @ "),' ' ,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chars_knockoutlog WHERE KnockoutID != CharID and CharID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' Łączna ilość znokautowań') as Message"); // } // }

function LiFxKillFeed::onSuicide(%this, %CharID, %isKnockout, %Tombstone) {
// SELECT CONCAT((SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) FROM character where ID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' Poddał(a) się życiowej rezygnacji i popełnił(a) samobójstwo. ', (SELECT COUNT() FROM chars_deathlog WHERE KillerID = CharID and CharID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' samobójstw') as Message dbi.Select(LiFxKillFeed, "MessageAllWithCustomText", "SELECT CONCAT((SELECT CONCAT(Name, ' ',LastName) FROM character where ID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' Zrezygnował(a) z życia i popełnił(a) samobójstwo. ', (SELECT COUNT() FROM chars_deathlog WHERE KillerID = CharID and CharID = " @ %CharID @ "), ' Łączna ilość samobójstw') as Message");

} }; activatePackage(LiFxKillFeed);

ChristopheRoblin commented 5 months ago

It would be better to add this as separate modification or add multiple language support to the original.

ChristopheRoblin commented 5 months ago

It would be better to add this as separate modification or add multiple language support to the original.

@Zbig281 would you like to attempt making it multi language supported or do publish an alternative mod using polish language?