Madedit-Mod version (or branch):
compiler and compiler version:
GCC 9.2.1 20191008 wxWidgets 3.1.3 build 02:30:45 Jan 12 2020
please describe what symptom you see, what you would expect to see instead and how to reproduce it.
Please provide the following information
Madedit-Mod version (or branch): 0.4.18 platform/architecture: linux/x86_x64 compiler and compiler version: GCC 9.2.1 20191008 wxWidgets 3.1.3 build 02:30:45 Jan 12 2020 please describe what symptom you see, what you would expect to see instead and how to reproduce it. 昨晚刚刚发现的,选中文字ctrl+f,出现查找对话框,选中文字自动去了查找对话框的文本目标里,然后我点击替换,复制查找对话框的内容想在替换里粘贴,再编辑,这样可以少打字儿,结果发现剪贴板内容不对,反复测试才发现在查找对话框里没法复制文本。