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properties for representing location information #223

Closed keski closed 2 weeks ago

keski commented 3 weeks ago

We need a way to represent more specific location information. Suggested properties include:

Potentially, we should also consider location information related to the actual address/factory in which a product was manufactured or assembled. E.g.:

keski commented 3 weeks ago

Proposed solution is to extend the provenance module with a general notion of the suggested properties. That is, properties added as subproperties of prov:atLocation with domain resourceODP:Resource:

:countryOfAssembly rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                   rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
                   rdfs:domain resourceODP:Resource ;
                   rdfs:comment "Used to represent the country of assembly of a resource" ;
                   rdfs:label "Country of assembly" .

:countryOfManufacture rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                      rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
                      rdfs:domain resourceODP:Resource ;
                      rdfs:comment "Used to represent the country of manufacture of a resource" ;
                      rdfs:label "Country of manufacture" .

:countryOfOrigin rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                 rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
                 rdfs:domain resourceODP:Resource ;
                 rdfs:comment "Used to represent the country of origin of a resource" ;
                 rdfs:label "Country of origin" .

:locationOfAssembly rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                    rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
                    rdfs:domain resourceODP:Resource ;
                    rdfs:comment "Used to represent the location where a resource was assembled" ;
                    rdfs:label "Location of assembly" .

:locationOfManufacture rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                       rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
                       rdfs:domain resourceODP:Resource ;
                       rdfs:comment "Used to represent the location where a resource was manufactured" ;
                       rdfs:label "Location of manufacture" .
evabl444 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, makes sense, but these are then also shortcuts basically, actually referring to the location of the "assembly event/process" or "manfacturing event/process" that created them, right? We have to think a bit if there is a way to actually infer these shortcuts, or if this is maybe a case where the VSE transformation patterns could come into play?

And I would also like to say that the :countryOfAssembly should be a subproperty of the :locationOfAssembly, since a country is also a location, but a more specific one. Agree?

Finally, this indicates that we should actually promote the provenance module to the core modules. But to do that I think we need to go through it properly and see if that means taking all of it, or just some core parts like this.

keski commented 2 weeks ago

And I would also like to say that the :countryOfAssembly should be a subproperty of the :locationOfAssembly, since a country is also a location, but a more specific one. Agree?

I agree.

Finally, this indicates that we should actually promote the provenance module to the core modules. But to do that I think we need to go through it properly and see if that means taking all of it, or just some core parts like this.

Perhaps we can just skip prov:atLocation for now and just add the properties to e.g. the resource or product module?

keski commented 2 weeks ago

@evabl444 @huanyu-li

keski commented 2 weeks ago

For now, I've added the location properties as datatype properties, but we should think more about how to represent location information (see also possibly related issue #228).