LiadOz / nvim-dap-repl-highlights

Add syntax highlighting to the nvim-dap REPL
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Not Enough Room #8

Open orhnk opened 9 months ago

orhnk commented 9 months ago

Neovim Nightly: config Archlinux dwm: config

LiadOz commented 9 months ago

It looks like you get an error when trying to open a prompt window (probably using dressing). I suspect the issue is not in this plugin. To test this, can you run the same procedure with the plugin uninstalled, then instead of calling the binding use:

:lua vim.ui.input({prompt = 'Enter language parser name: '}, function(input) print(input) end)
orhnk commented 9 months ago

LiadOz commented 9 months ago


It seems that dressing didn't trigger here, can you try maybe putting the code I gave you into a function and run it as a keybinding?