More instructions for patching would be nice.
We need to be able to remove files or directories and do binary diff (and binary diff the zlibed img files).
By default this would download and extract the zip to the game directory overwriting any files. Or if the extract_to_path is specified it would extract to that path instead. Relative to game dir still. If filename not specified is used.
rmdir directoryname
Removes a directory and all files in it relative to the Launcher's directory.
rm filename
Removes a file relative to the launcher's directory.
diff filename targetpath
Does a binary diff using filename from server on the target file.
zdiff filename
Does a zlib'd binary diff on the game files.
This would most commonly be done for Item, NPC, Quest, Monster.
So those names would be preset defaults.
Reload the launcher code when change have been made.
More instructions for patching would be nice. We need to be able to remove files or directories and do binary diff (and binary diff the zlibed img files).
By default this would download and extract the zip to the game directory overwriting any files. Or if the extract_to_path is specified it would extract to that path instead. Relative to game dir still. If filename not specified is used.
rmdir directoryname Removes a directory and all files in it relative to the Launcher's directory.
rm filename Removes a file relative to the launcher's directory.
diff filename targetpath Does a binary diff using filename from server on the target file.
zdiff filename
Does a zlib'd binary diff on the game files.
This would most commonly be done for Item, NPC, Quest, Monster.
So those names would be preset defaults.
reload Reload the launcher code when change have been made. document.location.reload(true)