LiamMorrow / Visual-Studio-Power-Mode

An extension that attempts to clone the power mode in Atom found here :
MIT License
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Visual Effects Missing in VS2015 #41

Open squatched opened 7 years ago

squatched commented 7 years ago

This has no effect in VS2015. Settings show up but turning it off/on accomplishes nothing.

Sekamelica commented 7 years ago

Same for me ! It looks so exciting, I doesn't want to code without this anymore :(.

LiamMorrow commented 7 years ago

Yeah not sure what the go is there. Having a look at a fix

sdujs commented 7 years ago

Had this for VS2013 @ VS2015, then both quit working. Everything was there but would not work, even uninstalled/reinstalled - nothing. Only changes I recall are various updates from MS, which I did not track. On a windows 7 64bit machine. I miss this extension for some odd reason! Got me to sign up for github...

LiamMorrow commented 7 years ago

Yeah it's definitely a problem on the extensions end. First it didn't work for 2017, then I updated the dependencies and it doesn't work on 2015 :S

SelfishOlex commented 7 years ago

The extension broke in VS2015 during one of VS updates. It must have been some ninja change that they didn't tell you about. :P

ipepta commented 7 years ago

Before this bug is fixed , you can use the version committed on Feb 9, 2016. VS2015 can open it, compile it, install it, and it will work. Works for me anyway :)

tyh123ooo commented 7 years ago

I cannnot open the Feb 9,2016 version. I install the product,but doesn't work either. And how can i uninstall it?

januszem commented 7 years ago

@ipepta Is this works only for the first time after instalation for you too?

ipepta commented 7 years ago

Disable all extension auto update in Tools->Option. Remove power mode and install it again. 1

@tyh123ooo And here is how to remove power mode. It's in Tools->Extension and Update. Click the uninstall button at the right corner. 2

ipepta commented 7 years ago

This is the version I'm using. It's compiled from the code committed on Feb 9, 2016. Using VS 2015 chinese language version. Disable all extension auto update before install.

sdujs commented 7 years ago

Worked on vs2013 but not vs2015. Thanks for the zip ...

ipepta commented 7 years ago

@sdujs That's strange. I'm using it myself and it's working very well.... 3

tyh123ooo commented 7 years ago

@ipepta thank u.I uninstall it.And I will try ur version,see if it can work or not

tyh123ooo commented 7 years ago

@ipepta thx,this version works. Why my git desktop cannot revert codes in win7? I remember i can do it in win10

ipepta commented 7 years ago

@tyh123ooo Don't know how to use git desktop....personally I prefer SVN. I find the old version code from git website XD.

januszem commented 7 years ago

@ipepta Thanks! Autoupdates was the thing.