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Armour design #47

Open Liareth opened 5 years ago

Liareth commented 5 years ago

What does each type of armour look like? What DR is applied to each type?

Kenji3108 commented 5 years ago

Armor Types (Torso, Helmet slots)

  1. Light Armor: Low DR vs Kinetic, increases AC (Dodge) Starcraft Ghost, Fallout Armored Vault Suit, Star Wars Smuggler outfit

    • Light Helmet provides increase to Detection, Perception, or some passive skills Scouter eyepiece, headset, gas mask, rebreather, but no protection value Note: Light armor should be used for most crafter/RP builds that provides a boost in most non-combat skills. Many of the suggested weaponries bypasses Light Armor.
  2. Medium Armor: Medium DR vs Kinetic Stormtrooper, Republic Clone Trooper, WH40k Guardsman

    • Medium Helmet provides Low DR vs Sonic WH40k Guardsman helmets, Halo Marine helmets, or modern world's cranial helmets, with limited HUD, doesn’t cover full face
  3. Heavy Armor: High DR vs Kinetic, low DR vs Thermal, Radiation, and Chemical Fallout Power Armor, WH40k Space Marines, Starcraft Marines, Halo Spartans

    • Heavy Helmet provides High DR vs Sonic (Full helmets that cover everything) Full helmet covering everything, including HUD and built-in gas filter Note: Heavy armor should reduce movement speed and be treated as a "vehicle" where it needs to be refueled/energized and maintained, not just "slip on" and "slip off" like a slipper.
  4. Alien Armor: High DR vs Thermal, Electrical, Chemical, Sonic, and Radiation

    • Alien Helmet provides DR vs Psi
Kenji3108 commented 5 years ago

Shield Types (Off-Hand slot)

Kenji3108 commented 5 years ago

Capes/Backpacks/Batteries (Cloak slot)

Note: I thought of associating these with light/medium/heavy armor, but figured a trooper can wear a cape to indicate his officer rank, a lightly armored explorer can wear a backpack to gain more carry weight. Therefore the lack of armor type association with these.