Liareth / SiriusPlanning

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Psionics #57

Open Liareth opened 5 years ago

Liareth commented 5 years ago

We need to plan out every psionic ability and consider how they intend to feel in-game.

Kenji3108 commented 5 years ago

Regarding the intended IG feel for psionic individuals, they should be rare, and require a great deal of training and specialization. Allow hybrid builds in between psionics and other combat styles, but have the system favor specialization more over jack-of-all-trades.

Liareth commented 5 years ago

I think we should tie psionics very closely to implants. Psionic ability shouldn't be innate (... well, it -could-, but I find this a more interesting angle) but rather tied to implants. If, for example, we have five implant slots, and we have three skill categories of psionic powers - to use any at all you would need at least one implant, and to use the most powerful (e.g. level 3) mental psionic powers you would need 3x the same type of implant. So, for example, with 3x mental 1x physical 1x augment, you use basic physical and augment psionic abilities and advanced mental ones.

I would expect basic psionic implants to be fairly easy to craft (I'd expect people who want to be psionics to be able to use basic abiltiies within 5-10 hours). However, we can tie really cool stuff behind advanced alientech implants, and we can make non-psionic implants very competitive so players must choose to sacrifice raw combat potential from implants for the situationally effective psionic abilities.