Libbum / AxiomaticSemantics

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http2 push headers #10

Closed Libbum closed 6 years ago

Libbum commented 6 years ago

We'll know which banners we need for each page for example, we can put them into each pages' header.

Theme assets will be separate and we can probably serve them from nginx directly.

Libbum commented 6 years ago

d60fc7b should have this done, but the gutenberg serve tool doesn't have server push implemented obviously, need to test on the staging system.

Libbum commented 6 years ago

Everything seems to be pushing over h2 at the moment without adding headers? Perhaps nginx has updated its internals. Will investigate more, but I'm getting 1s pageloads and 500ms refreshes (including a katex load!), so that's not a problem at all currently.

Libbum commented 6 years ago

d91c446 drops this, since we're getting boss readings already. Looks like the newer version of nginx does not need to specify things, it will just h2 push when it can. For us here, that's everything. Maximum 1s page loads without cache including the blocking katex load. We hit ~450ms when cache kicks in and ~300ms without katex.