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DIP-150 Update spec to include details of un-delegation on past data/batches #150

Closed saraswatpuneet closed 2 years ago

saraswatpuneet commented 2 years ago


Updating spec with details about outcomes, of removing delegation, have on batch announcements, historical [delegated] announcements


Specification Pull Request

Current change pull request:


DSNP 1.0 allows a dsnp user to revoke delegation from past. This proposal extends a discussion to update spec with planned procedure around de-delegation and its affects on newest batches as well as ownership.

Backwards Compatibility

Reference Implementation and/or Tests

Security Considerations

Ensuring a delegate was still delegated to by dsnp user before the batch was published. Considerations around ownership of historical announcements

With reference to enabling user trust to delegate, how do we ensure trust between delegate and dsnp (Only upto a block in future it will be allowed to publish such batches?)






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wilwade commented 2 years ago

Notes from DSNP Spec meeting 2022-03-31

Alternative / Additional Details for DIP-150:


If you want to leave a delegate, but not remove the data you created via that delegate, then just consider undelegation block number == "revoke from block number" (needs a better name)

Why do I want to remove a delegate in the past?


wilwade commented 2 years ago

Another alternative via @enddynayn

Delegation can only be revoked at a given point in time (just like above). (slippage given for batch validation). Reduce the choice from choosing a block number to all or nothing

User Stories:

User Story for the block number version:

jvasile commented 2 years ago

A lot of the bulk tombstoning could be handled in UI that lets users identify and select a group of messages, then fire off a lot of tombstone actions. @enddynayn is right that baking this in at the protocol level is a convenience or an efficiency, but not a base requirement. And that edges me over into thinking that we could leave this for later without catastrophic consequences.

wilwade commented 2 years ago

Closed with #186