LibertyOS-Development / kernel

The kernel for LibertyOS.
Apache License 2.0
277 stars 12 forks source link

License choice motivation #16

Open tijlleenders opened 1 year ago

tijlleenders commented 1 year ago

Nice project, wish you luck!

Just wondering why the license is Apache 2.0 - instead of something that prevents the real possibility of a fork to closed source when things get interesting.

danielteberian commented 1 year ago

I never thought about that. What would you recommend I use?

tijlleenders commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the interest. I'm no expert and no lawyer so don't believe a word I say.
I also have to warn you it's a rabbit-hole most people don't go down - but since you're a lawyer-in-training it might be a fit :).


I all depends on your personal goals for the project. Together with others, Adam Jacob has done some nice work reflecting on this.

Why do you want it to be open source?
Everything starts as proprietary (your creation) - and you choose to 'let go of your rights' - for whatever motivation - on a triangle surface between:

Once you 'let go of your right' and others start contributing under the new license you can't change licenses anymore - unless they all agree.
If you're the only one contributing - you can change your mind any time - it's still all your 'property' to decide upon.

Here's a map to get you started from a broader article on open data and code :

Hope this helps!