LibraryCarpentry / governance

Repository for minutes and notes regarding the Library Carpentry Governance Committee
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New membership process and milestones #40

Open ragamouf opened 2 years ago

ragamouf commented 2 years ago

Problem statement: Prepare to manage 2022 LCAG membership refresh and learn from our experience in 2021

Here is a rough outline of the steps involved in this process:

  1. Consider the process in 2021 and identify what to keep, stop doing, change or start
  2. Review the EOI form and associated rubric
  3. Make changes to ../ or ../ as per #39
  4. Review milestones below and optimise for reality / uncertainty!
  5. Make a bunch of recommendations and communicate to the LCAG

Milestone Likely Duration Suggested dates
Preparation: EOI form, rubric, documentation on website 4-6 weeks
Open up LCAG applications - publicise to networks Start date
Deadline for applications 3-4 weeks?
Deadline for review/assess applications 3-4 weeks?
Chairs contact successful applicants & start onboarding process 2 weeks
Chairs confirm new members 2 weeks
First onboarding meeting for new LCAG members May? August? Out of session?

Happy to receive your comments and suggestions. I'm not sure if I'm over-engineering the process or not!

ragamouf commented 2 years ago

Tagging @cnancarrow and @philreeddata

ragamouf commented 2 years ago

Where to advertise the membership call (list from 2021)

Library Carpentry discuss list (topicbox) - Ariel

libraries channel in Carpentries slack - John

trainers, #instructors channels in Carpentries slack - Liz

Carpentries Blog - Ariel + Omar ACRL mailing list(s) ( DLF mailing list ( Research Data Management Mailing list (RESEARCH-DATAMAN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK) - Liz RDA L4RD Interest Group mailing list - Birgit Twitter (Carpentries + Library Carpentry, retweet from our personal accounts) #datalibs australasia-preserves (digital preservation) mailing list - Liz ARDC Engagements team to promote - Liz Data librarians (AU/NZ) slack workspace - Liz Datacure Slack - John Librarians for Research Data (L4RD RDA) Slack- John

carpentries channel in Code4Lib Slack - John

JROST Slack - John Digital Curation Google Group - John Datacure Mailing List Google Group - John Ariel pinged Angelique (regional coordinator for South Africa) and Sher (global coordinator) and Kari for help with global recruitment. Liz pinged Monash Malaysia LC instructors

libcce commented 2 years ago

@ragamouf additional lists to consider: LIBER (Birgit), IFLA (Margaret Plank), LIR/Ireland (David Kane), UK libraries/UK Carpentries/SSI (Phil), ALIA (Liz), New Zealand libraries (Anton Angelo), FAIR Data Stewardship (Chris), UC Carpentries (Tim), Wouter Schallier/Latin America, Candian libraries (Rachel Wang, Elaine Wong, Jordan Pedersen), NNLM (Ariel)