LibraryCarpentry / lc-open-refine

Library Carpentry: OpenRefine
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Make sure that any images used to illustrate lessons have accessible alternatives #237

Open ostephens opened 2 years ago

ostephens commented 2 years ago

We use images in the lesson - we should ensure that there is always an accessible alternative with descriptive text so that those using screen readers or similar technology can still understand the lesson

ostephens commented 2 years ago

In markdown this is done using format like: ![Alt text](/path/to/image)

So this task it to check all images used have alt text and that the alt text is a good description of the image

See the blog post at for more information on adding good alt text and including images in markdown

zkamvar commented 1 year ago

FWIW, there are five images used in this lesson and all of them have alt text associated with them (though you might want to inspect them to make sure they are the correct alt text).

The syntax for alt text is now [caption](link){alt="alt text"} as shown in

# setup ------------------------------------------------------------------
options(width = 200)
tmp <- tempdir()
create_from_github("LibraryCarpentry/lc-open-refine", tmp)

# Read in lesson and validate links --------------------------------------
lcor <- Lesson$new(path(tmp, "lc-open-refine"), jekyll = FALSE)
links <- as_tibble(lcor$validate_links())
links[links$type == "image", c("filepath", "sourcepos", "path", "alt")]
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   filepath                            sourcepos path                                  alt                                                              
#>   <fs::path>                              <int> <chr>                                 <chr>                                                            
#> 1 episodes/              71 fig/openrefine_ui.png                 Screenshot of Open Refine Create Project Screen                  
#> 2 episodes/           54 fig/rows.png                          Screen capture showing OpenRefine in Rows mode.                  
#> 3 episodes/           55 fig/records.png                       Screen capture showing OpenRefine in Rows mode.                  
#> 4 episodes/        37 fig/sort-menu-highlight.png           Addition of Sort menu to OpenRefine grid after first sort command
#> 5 episodes/             71 fig/openrefine_add_columns_by_url.png Add column by fetching URLs screen capture                       
#> 6 learners/                          56 /badge.svg                            Binder

Created on 2023-08-08 with reprex v2.0.2

jas58 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the episode locations, @zkamvar May I verify I understand the next step?

In the repo for episodes, I would open 02 to find the row with the image and replace some part of what I see there with:

Create Project in OpenRefine{alt="Screenshot of Open Refine Create Project Screen"}

Or is this something I could edit in the repo under images?

Once I have the pattern, I will be more confident to repeat with the other five. I just tried it in 02 for PR#309.

bencomp commented 1 year ago

I think you got the syntax correct (but I see the rendered Markdown here). The caption would show up below the image, the alt text would show instead of the image if the image could not be loaded (or it would be read aloud by a screen reader, for example).

In terms of the actual alt text: I think it should get the message across that the visual image is supposed to present. In this case, the image has highlights for certain settings and I think the image serves as a summary of the steps explained above it. Perhaps a more descriptive alt text for this image would be: OpenRefine Create Project screen, with highlights for the address bar, mentioned settings and the Create Project button.

ostephens commented 1 year ago

List of changes needed: