LibraryCarpentry / lc-sql

Library Carpentry: SQL
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Section 02 - add in that column/variable names are case sensitive #101

Closed librarianlise closed 3 years ago

librarianlise commented 4 years ago

We talk about SQL keywords/commands being case-insensitive ("We have capitalised the words SELECT and FROM because they are SQL keywords. This makes no difference to the SQL interpreter as it is case-insensitive, but it helps for readability and is therefore considered good style.") but we don't specify that tables/columns are case-sensitive - could add in. (Actually I'm just reading now that sometimes the tables/columns are not case-sensitive, it depends on the software/server settings. Look into further and decide whether it's useful info to include?)

librarianlise commented 4 years ago

libcce commented 4 years ago

Doh! @librarianlise this was something I was hoping we would add but dropped off somehow, a section on good style I thought we had included it but guess not! I can see a short episode after "Selecting and sorting data" or after/before "Database design"?

librarianlise commented 4 years ago

@libcce, I like the idea of framing it that way, as good style or best practices in a separate episode. I think it would work well after Selecting and sorting, and then maybe we could incorporate commenting from episode 5 into that new episode (if, as I suggest in another issue, we take the content from section 5 and put it elsewhere).

jyssy commented 4 years ago

What would we think as a sub-lesson, or would you think 'best-practices' is its own episode? In your 'order of operations,' would you consider best practices as a late episode in the sql curriculum or earlier? I could see a case (haha) for either option...

libcce commented 4 years ago

@jyssy I can see a case for both too 😄 I'm leaning more towards a separate lesson though, something that is maybe optional. If it is optional then we have to include information in the instructor notes.

JordanPedersen commented 4 years ago

I'd be on board with making it a module just before/after db design. @librarianlise I'm assigning this to myself for today, but we can share it, just message me on slack!

jyssy commented 3 years ago

simply that good readable style encourages the CAPs for SQL statements but don't count on case insensitivity because the interpreter does not case sensitivity. Maybe suggest a format: if you pick a capitalization schema, stick with it, CamelCase or something of the like @jyssy

jyssy commented 3 years ago

Closing with PR on #129