LibraryCarpentry / lc-sql

Library Carpentry: SQL
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SQL lesson instruction of setup for SQLite Ubuntu/debian missing #92

Closed RosaLo closed 4 years ago

RosaLo commented 5 years ago

In the set up description for describing software requirements here: There are instructions for where to find SQLite on MacOS and Linux, but it doesn't come pre-installed on Ubuntu (and Debian I think) so you need to: sudo apt install sqlite3 before being able to type sqlite3 (or which sqlite) Maybe this should be added to the instructions ?

libcce commented 5 years ago

It would be great if you can create a pull request for this @RosaLo 😄 Thanks for the suggestion! We need this!

jyssy commented 4 years ago

@RosaLo and @libcce I updated this installation of sqlite3 language (please take a look) - - might we close this issue? thank you

libcce commented 4 years ago

@jyssy none of us have Ubuntu/Debian. Can you turn to a colleague to test?

RosaLo commented 4 years ago

Looks fine, ok for me :)