LibraryCarpentry / week-four-library-carpentry--DEPRECATED

Week Four lesson
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How do I get my data out? #9

Open drjwbaker opened 8 years ago

drjwbaker commented 8 years ago

(from the room) How do I export data from OpenRefine?

cmharlow commented 8 years ago

Any particular use cases (i.e. data formats, schema, etc.) you'd like to hear more about? I can see what I can offer from my own experience.

ostephens commented 8 years ago

The export options are accessed through the 'Export' button at the top right of the OpenRefine interface

The basic export formats supported include HTML, Excel and comma- and tab-separated value (csv and tsv). However, there is a huge amount of flexibility offered by the 'Templating' option in the export menu. You can also write a custom export, selecting to export specific fields, adding a header or footer and specifying the exact format.

To see an example of creating a more complex export format, see this blog post