We have a need in our calendar app for extremely short abbreviations or shortened names for House committees, in order to fit the names onto event chips in the calendar. This would fit well in the data returned by the /committee/{chamber}/{committeeCode} endpoint.
Currently, we're using our own (unofficial) super short names/abbreviations for House committees. It would be great if the Congress.gov API could return similar for both House and Senate committees:
Agriculture : "Ag"
Appropriations: "Approps"
Armed Services: "HASC"
Financial Services: "FSC"
Budget: "Budget"
Joint Economic Committee: "JEC"
Education and Labor: "E&W"
Foreign Affairs: "HFAC"
Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government: "Weaponization"
Oversight and Reform: "Oversight"
House Administration: "CHA"
Homeland Security: "CHS"
Energy and Commerce: "E&C"
Select Permanent Committee on Intelligence: "Intel"
Natural Resources: "HNR"
Joint Committee on Taxation: "JointTax"
Joint Committee on the Library: "Library"
Joint Committee on Printing: "Printing"
Judiciary: "Judiciary"
Transportation and Infrastructure: "T&I"
Rules: "Rules"
Small Business: "SBC"
Ethics: "Ethics"
Science, Space, and Technology: "SST"
Veterans' Affairs: "Vets"
Ways and Means: "W&M"
Select Committee Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party: "CCP"
We have a need in our calendar app for extremely short abbreviations or shortened names for House committees, in order to fit the names onto event chips in the calendar. This would fit well in the data returned by the /committee/{chamber}/{committeeCode} endpoint.
Currently, we're using our own (unofficial) super short names/abbreviations for House committees. It would be great if the Congress.gov API could return similar for both House and Senate committees: