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Finer Start and End dates & reasons for Congressman terms #238

Open Gmanicus opened 2 months ago

Gmanicus commented 2 months ago

Hi there,

The /member/{bioguideId} endpoint returns terms in the format of:

   "chamber": "Senate",
    "congress": 116,
    "endYear": 2021,
    "memberType": "Senator",
     "startYear": 2019,
    "stateCode": "VT",
    "stateName": "Vermont"

It would be helpful to have more fine-grain dates for the start and end of a member's term for reasons such as:

Another helpful detail would be the start and end reason. If a member's term was ended early, we could fetch the official reason for that. (This particular information can already be fetched from, but it may be a good idea to include this as part of's dataset).