LibraryOfCongress / API
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/members/congress/:congress Does not return full term information #243

Open afischer opened 1 month ago

afischer commented 1 month ago

When looking at members-by-congress API at an endpoint such as, members seem to have abbreviated term information. For example, Kevin McCarthy in the 117th congress terms property looks like this:

      "district": 20,
      "name": "McCarthy, Kevin",
      "partyName": "Republican",
      "state": "California",
      "terms": {
        "item": [
            "chamber": "House of Representatives",
            "endYear": 2023,
            "startYear": 2007
      }, of the member object

Additionally the district property at the at the top level is for the most recent term, even if for the queried congress, the member was in a different district. This can lead to incorrect information — in the above example, Kevin McCarthy is listed as representing the 20th district, even though he was a representative to for the 23rd district in the 117th congress (prior to redistricting in 2020).

This information is already available in the /members/:bioguideId API, for example at, Kevin McCarthy has these two items as his last two terms:

"terms": [
   ...other terms
        "chamber": "House of Representatives",
        "congress": 117,
        "district": 23,
        "endYear": 2023,
        "memberType": "Representative",
        "startYear": 2021,
        "stateCode": "CA",
        "stateName": "California"
        "chamber": "House of Representatives",
        "congress": 118,
        "district": 20,
        "endYear": 2023,
        "memberType": "Representative",
        "startYear": 2023,
        "stateCode": "CA",
        "stateName": "California"

It would be great if this district information was also correct on the congress list API. As a bonus, having all terms listed out like it is in the member API would be a great addition.