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(amendment actions) Most amendments have a wrong actions count #246

Open Lorenz0o0 opened 1 month ago

Lorenz0o0 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I downloaded 2000 amendments and their actions for the 118th congress. Most of those amendments have an actions count that is 1 too big.

For example the amendment samdt 969 has an actions count of 4:

    "amendment": {
        "actions": {
            "count": 4,
            "url": ""
        "amendedBill": {
            "congress": 118,
            "number": "2226",
            "originChamber": "Senate",
            "originChamberCode": "S",
            "title": "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024",
            "type": "S",
            "updateDateIncludingText": "2024-05-24T13:38:47Z",
            "url": ""
        "chamber": "Senate",
        "congress": 118,
        "number": "969",
        "sponsors": [
                "bioguideId": "F000479",
                "firstName": "John",
                "fullName": "Sen. Fetterman, John [D-PA]",
                "lastName": "Fetterman",
                "middleName": "K.",
                "party": "D",
                "state": "PA",
                "url": ""
        "submittedDate": "2023-07-19T04:00:00Z",
        "type": "SAMDT",
        "updateDate": "2024-04-06T00:24:39Z"
    "request": {
        "amendmentNumber": "969",
        "amendmentType": "samdt",
        "congress": "118",
        "contentType": "application/json",
        "format": "json"

even though it has only 3.

    "actions": [
            "actionCode": "Intro-S",
            "actionDate": "2023-07-19",
            "sourceSystem": {
                "code": 9,
                "name": "Library of Congress"
            "type": "IntroReferral"
            "actionCode": "91000",
            "actionDate": "2023-07-19",
            "sourceSystem": {
                "code": 9,
                "name": "Library of Congress"
            "text": "Senate amendment submitted",
            "type": "Floor"
            "actionCode": "91000",
            "actionDate": "2023-07-19",
            "sourceSystem": {
                "code": 9,
                "name": "Library of Congress"
            "text": "Senate amendment submitted",
            "type": "Floor"
    "pagination": {
        "count": 3
    "request": {
        "amendmentNumber": "969",
        "amendmentType": "samdt",
        "amendmentUrl": "",
        "congress": "118",
        "contentType": "application/json",
        "format": "json"

This is also true for older amendments. For example:

The count appears to be correct for house amendments starting with 118/hamdt/907

apreiter18 commented 1 month ago

Hello - thank you for reporting this. We have created a ticket to investigate this discrepancy. Please check our change log for updates.