LibraryOfCongress / API
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(committee-meeting list): returns 500 `Reverse for 'committee_meeting_details' with keyword arguments '{'chamber': 'house', 'congress': 117, 'eventId': '634847912c87197aac1f9800'}' not found.` #253

Open ryparker opened 3 weeks ago

ryparker commented 3 weeks ago

Requesting the committee-meeting list for the House's 117th congress with an offset of 1750 and limit 250 returns a 500 failure


curl '<API_KEY>'

Response: 500

    "error": "Reverse for 'committee_meeting_details' with keyword arguments '{'chamber': 'house', 'congress': 117, 'eventId': '634847912c87197aac1f9800'}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['v3/committee-meeting/(?P<congress>(\\\\d+))/(?P<chamber>(house|senate|joint|nochamber))/(?P<eventId>(\\\\d+))(?P<file_ext>(\\\\.xml|\\\\.json|/))?$'] (NoReverseMatch)",
    "request": {
        "chamber": "house",
        "congress": "117",
        "contentType": "application/json",
        "format": "json"