LibreBooking / app

Repository for the last open source version of Booked Scheduler. The "develop" branch contains the most current working code of the project and should be considered beta. The "master" branch is the most current stable release of BookedScheduler. Please read doc/ for further details.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Upgrade -> - SQL ERROR #328

Open sriccio opened 4 months ago

sriccio commented 4 months ago

Hello LibreBooking community,

I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue after upgrading from to (PHP 7.4 -> 8.1).

After the upgrade, the app displays an "Unknown error".

The only log entry I was able to get is by activating the sql.log and it shows:

[2024-04-23T07:39:35.540047+02:00] sql.ERROR: [User=  ()] MySql Query: SELECT `a`.*,                    (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ag`.`group_id`) FROM `announcement_groups` `ag` WHERE `ag`.`announcementid` = `a`.`announcementid`) as `group_ids`,              (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ar`.`resource_id`) FROM `announcement_resources` `ar` WHERE `ar`.`announcementid` = `a`.`announcementid`) as `resource_ids`                        FROM `announcements` `a`                WHERE ((`start_date` <= '2024-04-23 05:39:35' AND `end_date` >= '2024-04-23 05:39:35') OR (`end_date` IS NULL)) AND ('5' = -1 OR '5' = `display_page`)          ORDER BY `priority`, `start_date`, `end_date`; [] []

I tried the query in MySQL client and it reports no error. There is no row returnet though.

mysql> SELECT `a`.*,                    (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ag`.`group_id`) FROM `announcement_groups` `ag` WHERE `ag`.`announcementid` = `a`.`announcementid`) as `group_ids`,              (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ar`.`resource_id`) FROM `announcement_resources` `ar` WHERE `ar`.`announcementid` = `a`.`announcementid`) as `resource_ids`                        FROM `announcements` `a`                WHERE ((`start_date` <= '2024-04-23 05:39:35' AND `end_date` >= '2024-04-23 05:39:35') OR (`end_date` IS NULL))
AND ('5' = -1 OR '5' = `display_page`)          ORDER BY `priority`, `start_date`, `end_date`;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Can it be that the query returning an empty set is triggering the error ? Anyone knows what could be wrong ?

Thanks a lot for your advice!

sriccio commented 4 months ago


Some news about this one. After a lot of trial and error, I found out that the fix was to manually add


In the app config.php after the upgrade.

sriccio commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, after fixing the issue manually, when saving the config from the app, the line goes away.

I see this commit but it looks like it's not available in which is latest release.

PVTGoesen commented 4 months ago

Hello, is this the only error in the sql.log?

I try to use PHP 8.1 and MySQL 8.0 I get this error too, but the login page loads. When I login then more errors show up, like:

sql.ERROR: [User=  ()] MySql Query: SELECT * FROM `user_email_preferences` WHERE `user_id` = '24'; [] []

I've checked the sql-server log and the commands are been executet:

Connect on booked using TCP/IP
Init DB booked
Query   SET NAMES utf8
Query   SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `user_preferences` WHERE `user_id` = '24'

So even if the SQL-server sends a valid query an error appears in the sql.log. Can you confirm this behaviour?

sriccio commented 4 months ago

Hello, I fixed the issue by adding manually

mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF); at the beginning of config.php

I also needed to patch this file with this change:

Otherwise as soon as you trigger a config change it will remove the previously added line in the config.php

Maybe this can help you too

PVTGoesen commented 4 months ago

OK I did both, but nothing changed. Which version of MySQL do you use?

sriccio commented 4 months ago

Server version: 8.0.33-cll-lve MySQL Community Server - GPL

PVTGoesen commented 4 months ago

OK, thats the same I use. Thanks for your help!