LibreCat / Catmandu

Catmandu - a data processing toolkit
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add documentation for Catmandu::Fix::Bind::each #384

Closed jorol closed 2 years ago

jorol commented 2 years ago

I've got feedback from Catmandu users, who are missing the fix "Catmandu::Fix::Bind::each" in our documentation and cheat sheet. I know both documentations are not complete, but this fix is in Catmandu core and quite handy...

phochste commented 2 years ago

Fixed the cheat sheet to version 2021-11

phochste commented 2 years ago

Fixed the documentation in the Wiki also, trying to rebuild the webpage but I don't see the changes yet appear there.

There a pandoc command in the procedure to produce a Wiki book from our Wikipages that is deprecated. Alas I am not a pandoc expert (and didn't created this routine) described in : Maybe @nichtich can help ? I think he created the pandoc version of the Wiki as one book?

jorol commented 2 years ago

@phochste Thanks!

nichtich commented 2 years ago

@phochste can you point me to the build script, log file etc. that involves pandoc?

phochste commented 2 years ago

It is part of the repository in the book/ directory. To bad I can't point at it via the web.

Makefile says:

.SUFFIXES: .md .html .pdf
.PHONY: git-clean files push


default: $(NAME).html

$(NAME).md: files ../*.md metadata.yml
    cat metadata.yml > $@
    perl < ../ >> $@

    rsync -r --include="*.jpg" --include="*.png" --exclude="*" ../files/ files/

PANDOC_OPTIONS=--toc -N -s -S --section-divs --template template.html
PANDOC_OPTIONS+=--css layout.css

    pandoc $(PANDOC_OPTIONS) -t html5 -o $@ $<

# requires LaTeX
    pandoc $(PANDOC_OPTIONS) -o $@ $<

    #@if git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null | grep -q .; then echo "Nothing changed"; exit 1; fi

gh-pages: git-clean $(NAME).html
    cp layout.css files
    git checkout gh-pages
    git pull homepage gh-pages
    rsync -r files/ ../files/
    cp $(NAME).html ../index.html
    mv files/layout.css ..

With my pandoc pandoc 2.16.1 I get

rsync -r --include="*.jpg" --include="*.png" --exclude="*" ../files/ files/
cat metadata.yml >
perl < ../ >>
pandoc --toc -N -s -S --section-divs --template template.html --css --css layout.css -t html5 -o index.html
--smart/-S has been removed.  Use +smart or -smart extension instead.
For example: pandoc -f markdown+smart -t markdown-smart.
Try pandoc --help for more information.
make: *** [index.html] Error 6
phochste commented 2 years ago

I got the homepage generation page scripts too work..but I still don't understand completely how it works.