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[BUG] [librespot] [v11.80.5.0.] #8595

Closed beralt85 closed 4 months ago

beralt85 commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

When using the librespot service, the kodi machine shows up as a device in the spotify apps on mobile or desktop, but connecting to the device does not work.

How to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install librespot from official librelec addon repo
  2. From a spotify app, try to connect to the librelec device.
  3. See error



There is a fix for that described by vpeter in the coreelec forum: This works also on libreelec:

This command should be executed before running librespot

echo 2 >/proc/sys/abi/cp15_barrier

So the solution is adding this line to the file /storage/.config/ If this file doesn’t exist create it. And the file muct be in Unix format (don’t use Windows Notepad to create this file).

New versions of this addon will have this workaround included.

heitbaum commented 5 months ago

@henri-funck / @vpeter4 - could you please take a look. Not sure why the 2020 "workaround" is required again?

chewitt commented 5 months ago

Librespot is working fine for me here with a current (within the last couple of days) LE12 image and an RPi5.

beralt85 commented 4 months ago

I just tested on a new install. /proc/sys/abi/cp15_barrier was already set to 2 and it connects. At the moment, I have the problem that while it connects and plays (meaning that the playing proceeds) but I don't get any audio and cannot pause/resume from the mobile or desktop app. But this seems to be a different issue. So I would close this one now. Thanks for the replies!