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Coordinate GSOC package proposals #522

Closed aethelwulffe closed 7 years ago

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

WE have proposals and interest in the following areas (this list will be updated). Each proposal should result in a document posted in the approved manner. Discussion should be related to documentation relevant to the specific subject. Once clean proposal discussion topics are in place, and a PROJECT has been implemented for each proposal, this issue will be closed.

Calendar Module [remove and replace]. This involves the SMARTY removal to a great extent, but not completely. The proposals in this category should focus intently on the calendar related functions in isolation as much as possible. For other project proposal coordination, this one must have time set aside to maintain communications with other parties on:

UI Redevelopment. This is not just a theme and validation package.

PDO upgrade. The below list is deceptively short. This is not a trivial project

Please [MENTORS], edit this post to add or modify.

azwreith commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe I can't seem to decide between the Calendar and UI Re-development projects. They both seem so very attractive! :sob:

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe Can you please explain removal of smarty engine? Does it mean to use framework or something else?

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

@pri2si17-1997 Meaning...we want to just use php or js (native) to display the various input forms that currently depend on the SMARTY template engine. There is nothing wrong per-se with using a template engine, but the code base does things in a hodge-podge fashion, using every widget that has ever hit the market. If we do decide to use a framework (minimalist bootstrap, or all the way laravel or something) then we need to do a major re-factor of the whole application and use ALL of the framework for everything everywhere. The idea is to simplify. Our version of SMARTY is indeed very old. It could be updated, sure, but only the calendar gets any real use out of it...which we need to replace. It is also a maintenance issue with having to clear the cache, or deal with compiled templates with 300 character-long names, and all sorts of write permissions etc... The idea is to do a search-and-destroy on anything that uses a smarty template, then recreate the features (like the administration/Practice settings) in some comprehensible fashion that does not require someone to be an expert on some framework (or Wordpress coding standards!) to figure out. When/if we go deep with some framework because it really will do something for us, by gum we will all learn that framework, pare it down to the components we actually need (and no others) and learn to use it to it's fullest extent. That time is not now. @azwreith Get to work refining that calendar proposal. You jumped on it, and everyone else went looking stick with it. I (and the other GSOC candidates) are depending on you putting out a strong offering so that they can make compatible proposals (or perhaps just plagiarize yours 😸 ). Pare it down as narrowly as you can. The dream to do everything is understandable, but since I can already tell that you, Priyanshu and Nilesh are all leaders and good communicators, you guys are going to be running teams at some level. Myself, I have been fighting the idea that I am not Superman for...oh...probably the last 30-35 years. Hard-worker? yeah, sure. Genius? sure, why not. Superman? ...well, the record begs to differ. HINT: you aren't one either. The first person you supervise is always yourself. Learn to manage by making realistic goals (if optimistic). Make sure you can document those goals in a work-package that you could turn over to any other competent person at any point to complete. If you succeed there, your communication skills are where they need to be.

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

@pri2si17-1997 @nileshprasad137 Are either one of you interested in tackling PDO?

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago


Yeah, I am interested and would like to work on PDO.

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

Well, I think I would enjoy seeing your proposal on that, and I strongly encourage Nilesh to hammer together a proposal to calm the hideous appearance of the application. I think both factors severely limit the project, and I am grateful that you mentioned PDO. I think I am going to have to launch a constellation of testing VM's to try to keep up.

azwreith commented 7 years ago

You got it, sir! I already removed all the extra non-calendar stuff from my proposal and now planing to go into real detail with the calendar. Yep I really wanna do everything, but you are right. I must set realistic expectations that I can achieve. So I'll do my best to set a timeline that is optimal and achievable!

nileshprasad137 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe Yes, I have worked with PDO before and am well versed with it. I would also like to say, that there would a month between the last date of submitting proposal and the announcement of results . We can already start to work on the revamp of UI which would make our work much easier. I have been going through Smarty Template's Documentation for trying to understand its functionality.

nileshprasad137 commented 7 years ago

Also during that time, there would not be much academic workload, which could be highly useful for all of us. Till now, I have been taking up really small tasks , but now I think its the time to go deep.

azwreith commented 7 years ago

@nileshprasad137 You are so lucky man. I got my next month filled up with projects, lab exams and then end-sem exams. But yeh, even I would be sending as many PRs as I can now that my mid terms are done (yay!) :yum:

nileshprasad137 commented 7 years ago

@azwreith No, not that lucky . But yeah ,less workload till 15th or 20th April.

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

@azwreith you are right. Same is the case with me ;)

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

@pri2si17-1997 , I thought you were gonna hit PDO? You? Nilesh? We are restricted to one proposal per project/participant.

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

Yes @aethelwulffe , I am going for that only.

nileshprasad137 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe Do you mean if @pri2si17-1997 is going for PDO , I should go for UI redevelopment?. See, I make myself clear here. I am comfortable with PDO as well as UI redev. I think we can submit multiple proposals to a single organisation and I can assure you that I have the time to write two proposals after Thursday of this week ,when my mid-term get over. Please don't misunderstand that I am running away from competition.

From GSOC Floss Manual ,


aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

I got some bad info from the folks on the forum then.... Should have gone to the source! OK, free-for-all! fire away! -I ain't no competitor...just a survivor. I do the whole team thing when it comes to fighting.

tmccormi commented 7 years ago

What we can't do is have two people on the same project.

Tony McCormick

On Mar 20, 2017 8:07 PM, "Art Eaton" wrote:

I got some bad info from the folks on the forum then.... Should have gone to the source! OK, free-for-all! fire away! -I ain't no competitor...just a survivor. I do the whole team thing when it comes to fighting.

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azwreith commented 7 years ago

I don't think we can submit more than one proposal to the same organization either

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

Hello @aethelwulffe , can you please tell that is backward compatibility to be maintained? I mean do you guys still prefer to use php versions below 5.5 (viz 5.3)?

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

php7+ That is it.

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

ok.. :+1:

azwreith commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe I just submitted my draft. Do take a look please! :smile:

nileshprasad137 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe Yes, take a look at my proposal too! :smiley:

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe I have also submitted the proposal. Please do have a look at it :)

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi folks. 😄 Just a reminder to please keep further discussions around GSoC student proposals on the main forums at so other potential students can see them, as well as for a clear overall status of all the LH potential GSoC projects. Thanks!

robbyoconnor commented 7 years ago

Also, apologize for the heavy-handedness @aethelwulffe

nileshprasad137 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe If you have some time, can you please clear whether the project i proposed is a valid project or not so that I could start working on the other proposal?

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

I have time today @nileshprasad137, and I will give you a review ASAP. I apologize that my work schedule is going to be completely slammed until after the 31st. At the same time, I have confidence that the participants here have developed enough familiarity with the project to make very valid proposals. I haven't seen any issues other than extent of scope.

pri2si17-1997 commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe Please do look at my proposal also, so that if any change required then I can do that as I have my mid sems from 31st march.

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

@pri2si17-1997 @nileshprasad137 @azwreith I intended for that message to apply to everyone. Should have gone ahead and added full alerts. I hope you guys don't feel like you have been ignored. -I will see you on the forums (unless it goes down again).

anupsunni commented 7 years ago

Hi, This is Anup. Nice to meet you @pri2si17-1997, @nileshprasad137 and @azwreith . Sorry for joining late @aethelwulffe . I have not submitted a proposal yet but I intend to. Right now I am trying to understand the references and connections to the modified postnuke calendar. I am interested in the replacement of the calendar module.

Again hi all and sorry for joining late. I will catch up with you guys . @aethelwulffe is it ok if I take some more time to experiment, learn and play with the code and submit my proposal in 3 days?

Nice meeting all of you, Anup

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

Yes, just remember this repo issue is for basic coordination (meaning learning about the project and familiarization with our integration process/side projects), and all "official" types of material should be restricted to the forum or actual GSOC interfaces. And yes, it is great to meet you, and we hope to see you around here!

anupsunni commented 7 years ago

Got it!! @aethelwulffe

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

Final comment about me here: I am currently acting as the GSOC liaison for the EHR project by default (everyone is a bit slammed right now), and I myself will be recusing myself from voting on proposals (If I even get invited). I am hardly neutral at this point, because honestly, I would hire and work with any of you guys in my shop without hesitation (If I wasn't poor and out of work!).

robbyoconnor commented 7 years ago

@aethelwulffe -- don't abstain!

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

My job is to be everyone's friend and help as much as my stumbling butt can manage...which leaves me in an advisory role, and not a decision maker. Naturally, I will do that for the voting package members if they request as well, but I will leave the vote up to others.

aethelwulffe commented 7 years ago

This thread is history. (WooHoo!)