LibreOffice / loeclipse

LibreOffice Eclipse plugin for extension development
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Fix #52 Creation of Menu solving Ant export should be a separate export #66

Closed shobhanmandal closed 6 years ago

shobhanmandal commented 6 years ago

A new Wizard Menu under LibreOffice is now shown which allows you to create the ANT file build.xml in one go rather than going for Package Export followed by the ANT file generation.

smehrbrodt commented 6 years ago

When I select the new option in the export dialog, I get: The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in org.libreoffice.ide.eclipse.core was unable to load class org.libreoffice.ide.eclipse.core.wizards.AntScriptWizard. org.libreoffice.ide.eclipse.core.wizards.AntScriptWizard cannot be found by org.libreoffice.ide.eclipse.core_2.2.6

smehrbrodt commented 6 years ago

Ok the problem was on my side, the new java files were not compiled somehow.

This works basically :)

Some points:

Also please have a look at your coding style. There was some incorrect indentation and some excessive blank lines. You might consider using Eclipse's source format feature.