A Quality of Experience and Smart Queue Management system for ISPs. Leverage CAKE to improve network responsiveness, enforce bandwidth plans, and reduce bufferbloat.
Your typical speedtest runs for about 30seconds, maybe 40. Being able to take a capture of those, start to finish, would be enlightening. Similarly, netflix occilates on a 10sec interval. Other forms of network misbehavior only show up on 1minute intervals, and thus 5 minutes of packet cap would be good. Very little can be discerned in 10s.
Also, in the long run, more than one person able to take a cap (say, 4) would be useful. Yes, I know both of these have extreme memory requirements, and the code should perhaps make utterly sure we have a grip on how much memory will be used up before starting one.
Your typical speedtest runs for about 30seconds, maybe 40. Being able to take a capture of those, start to finish, would be enlightening. Similarly, netflix occilates on a 10sec interval. Other forms of network misbehavior only show up on 1minute intervals, and thus 5 minutes of packet cap would be good. Very little can be discerned in 10s.
Also, in the long run, more than one person able to take a cap (say, 4) would be useful. Yes, I know both of these have extreme memory requirements, and the code should perhaps make utterly sure we have a grip on how much memory will be used up before starting one.