LibreScore / app-librescore

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Portable version not working #44

Open Mageign opened 1 year ago

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Portable version doesn't work, file is executed but no window available to interact with.

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

What version of Windows are you using, and is it modified

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Using Windows 11 Pro 22H2 Build 22621.1413. Some services are disabled. What does librescore need to run ?

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

Not sure of any specific services, can you list the ones you've disabled, or try enabling them and trying to run the program again?

Mageign commented 1 year ago

No I cannot, and if librescore needs windows update, it should be specified. Shouldn't you know if some services or anything else is required for it to run ? Or at least be sure that it works in a given environment ? And it didn't work for me on Windows 7 Pro x64 either.

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

You're misinterpreting my comment. I'm not aware of any specific service that LibreScore requires to run, which is why I asked you to list the services that you've disabled so I can make a guess as to which is affecting it. Now that you've claimed it's only Windows Update, I can assure you that's not the cause for LibreScore not opening.

Also, it's not my responsibility to make sure LibreScore works on modified versions of an OS, that's quite obviously the custom OS's user's responsibility, not that your disablement of Windows Update is the problem here.

Any other modifications you've made? You said you disabled multiple services but listed only one

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

You edited your comment after I answered saying that it doesn't work on Windows 7. Are you having the same issue as on Windows 11? Maybe there's a bug in the portable version itself, I'll have to test when I get the time

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the details, sorry for the edit. I disabled everything that was useless, so you can understand there is not enough space here to enumerate them all. Same issue on W7 and I also tried on a friend W10 Pro "vanilla" and had the same results.

When I execute librescore.exe, the process is running with a pending cmd process, but no window to show. It runs as a process but nothing happens.

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

I just tested on Windows 11 22H2 22621.1635 and it worked. I unzip, then I run LibreScore.exe. I recall testing LibreScore on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 a few months ago and it working fine, so I think one of the services you deem "useless" (which I disagree with) might be causing the issue, and your friend's "vanilla" build may not actually be.

Can you try opening a PowerShell window and running the following: !([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10 -and [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 17763) -or (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType -ne 1. It should return False on Windows 10 and 11 and return True on Windows 7 and 8.1 and any Windows Server version

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Ok, great thanks for your answer, I'll dig into it. Any hints on .net or vc++ version needed if any ? Or any other third party software ? It says true ...

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

All required libraries are bundled so you shouldn't need anything. Please share the outputs of the following three commands: [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType

On your Windows 11 system it should return 10, 22621, and 1.

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Yeah, it does return the same numbers.

Feels like librescore trying to access internet through a service and get stuck there. The only way for me to find the culprit is to test and deploy another image of Windows ... not for tomorrow.

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

If it returns the same numbers it should return False, not True. Are you sure you're copying the whole thing? There's an ! at the beginning

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Can you read minds ? Indeed, it says False with that missing (!), I can't even copy paste ;)

PeterNjeim commented 1 year ago

Well the ! is what "flips" from true to false, so that was my best guess lol. Well it seems that isn't the issue then, I'm at a loss as to why it isn't working (other than a specific service as you mention). I personally didn't code anything specific to any service so I'm not sure, maybe one of the dependencies I'm using uses a service

Mageign commented 1 year ago

Nice guess ! Any hints could help me find what I shouldn't have disabled or removed. I use many portable apps and plays many modern games without problem on this windows. Thanks to you, I'm sure that it comes from my customization, I'll have to dig in as the trial and error amateur I am.

Lyssers commented 3 months ago

Same issue here. Windows 10 21H2, bone stock. Nothing happens.

PeterNjeim commented 3 months ago

@Lyssers any more details?