LibreShift / red-moon

Android screen filter app for night time phone use.
GNU General Public License v3.0
645 stars 80 forks source link

Android Wear Support #69

Open supernoctem opened 7 years ago

supernoctem commented 7 years ago

Android Wear support for watches, to set the same screen filters on the watch.

Kasijjuf commented 7 years ago

I hope I'm wrong, but unfortunately I believe at this time that Wear apps require Google Play Services and thus can't be done in a free/libre app. Someone please tell me I'm wrong on this one, cause I would love to be wrong.

supernoctem commented 7 years ago

From some quick searching, I can see that sending settings and things to Android Wear might be difficult without Play Services. The only other way would be using the standard bluetooth api, but I have no idea how this work.

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smichel17 commented 7 years ago

Maybe the best solution for the meantime would be to offer Wear support through an add-on that uses Google Play Services.

raatmarien commented 7 years ago

I agree with @smichel17 that an add-on using Google Play Services would probably be the best solution. However, I don't own an Android Wear devices, so I can not develop this add-on.

Jawnnypoo commented 7 years ago

If you are worried about it being free with reguards to submitting it to F-Droid, the usual solution is to have multiple build flavors, one that is "free" containing only open FOSS, and then another flavor that contains things like Google Play Services, Fabric, etc.

Kasijjuf commented 7 years ago

@Jawnnypoo, The problem with that is that since this app is licensed under GPLv3+, unless you can get Google to release Play Services under a GPLv3-compatible free software license (good luck with that), Play Services may not be included in the project.

mirh commented 7 years ago

You aren't linking or including play services in your program. Just its API (if any). That's quite different: for as much as you (and the app) know it could even be as well you are talking with MicroG.

Don't confuse being FOSS and being able to work in a totally FOSS environment (such as F-droid). Of course the later is preferable (ideas), but god, it's not like telegram or... just anything on windows don't do this every time?

smichel17 commented 6 years ago

Don't confuse being FOSS and being able to work in a totally FOSS environment

@mirh That's fair. However, I have no interest in putting in developing or maintaining Red Moon for a non-FLO environment. If someone else wants to do that, I'll do my best to stay out of their way.

mirh commented 6 years ago

Well, the only FLO environment that will get to happen if any ever, is microg advancing and all (they already might have a good enough implementation, idk) Which nevertheless will still necessarily have to mimic google's standards api.

So I dunno, it all seems about whenever best you want to allocate your time.

smichel17 commented 6 years ago

Yeah. It's not that I see no benefit, but there's other features (and projects) I want to spend time on, too.

If completely FLO Wear support ever becomes possible, my priorities might change. I just want to set expectations in the meantime (also reflected by the tags/milestone).