LibreVR / Revive

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Stormland is not working #1379

Open jshodanVR opened 4 years ago

jshodanVR commented 4 years ago

Stormland doesen't boot at all. Few seconds of loading and then everything returns to Steam Home


qlyoung commented 4 years ago

Stormland isn't out for another week, which makes it difficult to find the problem.

Would you mind posting what HMD you have?

Edit 12/09/19:


For anyone coming to this issue looking for how to play Stormland via Revive, download and install the nightly Revive build from here.

Known issues:

Please don't open additional bug reports for these issues.

jshodanVR commented 4 years ago

Stormland isn't out for another week, which makes it difficult to find the problem.

Would you mind posting what HMD you have?

HTC VIVE, with wands controller. nothing special. windows 10 last update, 1080 gtx, i7 8700k

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

Is this something that the team behind Revive think they will be able to rectify fairly quickly one the game is officially released on Thursday 14th November? As they so gracefully did with Asgard's Wrath when it was released??

CrossVR commented 4 years ago

I won't be able to this time, as I won't have access to my workstation for another month or so.

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

Oh No that is not good news Hope everything is ok with you Jules. May I congratulate you on how quickly you got 1.9.1 up for Asgard's Wrath will have to continue with that until you get the chance to do an updated version to allow us to play Stormland. Seasons Greetings and all that as its not far off. Regards Rob aka Artful

jshodanVR commented 4 years ago

Very sad news. but it's ok, we will wait dont' worry. For now i have just resumed an old CV1

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

@jshodanVR Have you tried the game with oculus hardware connected? I know that games like echo VR have issues without it.

jshodanVR commented 4 years ago

no i didin't onestly. ill try. keep in mind if i try to run it without any vr hardware the game run properly on monitor. but of course i can't interact.

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

@jshodanVR also is there any way you could upload a crash log for the devs?

benz145 commented 4 years ago

I'm also having this problem on the latest stable release of Revive, attempting to play Stormland with Index. @Armada651 I've confirmed with the devs that they haven't done anything to attempt to prevent Stormland compatibility with Revive. However the game uses an in-house engine which could be related to the issue?

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

Benz145 - Are you getting 1. The attempt to load then fails and reverts to Steam VR or as jshodan has it runs on the computer screen but not in the HMD?

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

@benz145 Could you upload a crash log here?

hybrid11 commented 4 years ago

Damn, what a bummer.

benz145 commented 4 years ago

Benz145 - Are you getting 1. The attempt to load then fails and reverts to Steam VR or as jshodan has it runs on the computer screen but not in the HMD?

I've seen both. At first it was on the monitor but nothing worked. I think after I updated Revive it stopped launching all together. I confirmed that other games were working with Revive no issue.

helifax commented 4 years ago

Did anyone try to run the game with an older version of Revive? Ex: 1.8.1 or 1.7.3? Perhaps it is a regression introduced in one of the later updates?

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

Someone spoke to the Dev's (Insomniac) and they said there is no code blocking the use of ReVive with Stormland however they are using their own inhouse engine so that maybe causing the issue. Also since the update to the Nvidia drivers some have had problems running other games with ReVive that used to work fine. Its definitely weird.

jtslade77 commented 4 years ago

NeroTheWolf requested I upload my revive Logs from attempts to launch StormLand over the past week and a half.

Mine does the same as jshodanVR. I'm on the latest Revive. i7 6700K / GTX 1080. Valve Index & Rift CV1

Version: i28_20191107_1040_LIVE_FINAL_REVIEW01_Stormland_m26


Launched injector with: "C:\Program Files\Revive\Revive\x64\ReviveInjector.exe" /app insomniac-games-i-28 /library "Software\insomniac-games-i-28\Game\i28.exe" -archive asset_archive/toc -level levels/stormland/stormland.level -pkg -ovr -vr_presentation -noerrormarkers -lobby -real_heroprogression { Assert.WarningFilter=review } Creating process: S:\Rift Games\Software\insomniac-games-i-28\Game\i28.exe -archive asset_archive/toc -level levels/stormland/stormland.level -pkg -ovr -vr_presentation -noerrormarkers -lobby -real_heroprogression { Assert.WarningFilter=review } Injecting DLL: C:\Program Files\Revive\Revive\x64\openvr_api.dll LoadLibrary found at address: 0xcf8beb60 Injecting DLL: C:\Program Files\Revive\Revive\x64\LibRevive64_1.dll LoadLibrary found at address: 0xcf8beb60 Injected dlls successfully

Let me know if any other files will help. I should have the Final Release Version of StormLand today.

LightbeamZ commented 4 years ago

I preorderd the game and when I tried to install it today after launch, it just downloads a 8.5KB "Stormland.exe" and nothing more. If I try to launch it from the Oculus launcher it just says "device error" because no Oculus headset is connected and with Revive it just does not do anything. Looks to me like as if they have some download/installation block for people without an Oculus headset even so the Devs say that they don't.

jtslade77 commented 4 years ago

I preorderd the game and when I tried to install it today after launch, it just downloads a 8.5KB "Stormland.exe" and nothing more. If I try to launch it from the Oculus launcher it just says "device error" because no Oculus headset is connected and with Revive it just does not do anything. Looks to me like as if they have some download/installation block for people without an Oculus headset even so the Devs say that they don't.

The release is delayed so there is nothing to download yet or Maybe Pied Piper is using their compression algorithm on the game?

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

The game files were not all in the launch download initially so the official launch was delayed until 9am PST/12pm ET and 5pm GMT. So around 10 minutes from me writing this. There will be an update applied to the Oculus Store. I am keeping everything crossed that the new build will just work either it will or it wont - keeping everything crossed. Artful

LightbeamZ commented 4 years ago

The game files were not all in the launch download initially so the official launch was delayed until 9am PST/12pm ET and 5pm GMT. So around 10 minutes from me writing this. There will be an update applied to the Oculus Store. I am keeping everything crossed that the new build will just work either it will or it wont - keeping everything crossed. Artful

Ok. In the libary it was not showing a preorder status thats why I was confused. So release is in the next 5min so we will see by then.

Delta2Force commented 4 years ago

It's out btw

LightbeamZ commented 4 years ago

It's out btw

Yes, but like the pre-release version not working with Revive at all. Does not start or give any signs of tring to start.

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

I rolled back to previous versions of Revive and when I was running 1.8.0 I had a notification saying "No Rift Connected" so Im wondering if there is some kind of marker within the software/game files that reads that their is a connection and will not let you play the game without it. Just plucking at straws here. Artful

But Yes with 1.9.1 you launch the game it shows then goes back to Home.

LightbeamZ commented 4 years ago

Is this legit or is it just someone trying to infect others PCs with a virus?

qlyoung commented 4 years ago

That is a working patch that will be integrated into a new Revive release in the coming days. Thanks all for your input on this issue.

CircuitLord commented 4 years ago

It's legit, I made it :) Cross and I worked together to get it working.

LightbeamZ commented 4 years ago

Can Armada651 confirm this pls? Looks pretty suspicious to me?

Edit: Its legit and working.

Artful72 commented 4 years ago

I want to thank Jules and his team for getting this up as fast as you did considering jules is on holiday you all deserve a bloody medal. Artful :)

whyme466 commented 4 years ago

Used CircuitLord suggested .dll patch to Stormland in Revive (see - thanks for the quick patch!). The game now launches via SteamVR, but some of the game's textures appear to be at the wrong depth. Not sure if this is a Revive or game issue...

JorgenRe1 commented 4 years ago

@whyme466 the issue you mentioned is being worked on by someone in the discord.

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

@whyme466 @JorgenRe1 I think I've narrowed the issue down to ovrLayerType_Cube not being implemented but I don't think I know enough about this stuff to implement it myself

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

I took some RenderDoc captures of the same scene on a CV1 and under Revive.

whyme466 commented 4 years ago

@ahmanwoods - can you describe the differences between CV1 and Revive (the download file is HUGE)? I disassembled my Rift setup some time ago, in favor of my wireless lens-modified Vive Pro (with Index and Pimax 8K as backups).

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

@whyme466 Its the issue with the textures being at the wrong depth. I uploaded the captures in case someone wants to try to debug the issue.

fholger commented 4 years ago

This happens because the game engine does not correctly handle individual FOVs for each eye. I implemented a hack in Revive to work around it, see my open PR. You can find an updated Revive build here:

whyme466 commented 4 years ago

@fholger - thanks for the fast work! The textures are rendering correctly now, game looks great. I am looking forward to playing this after I finish Asgard's Wrath...

DebrisHauler commented 4 years ago

What's the status of making stormland multiplayer work in revive? Nero on discord was showing me a hacky way to get your oculus authorization token and then send that out to oculus every 10 seconds so you remain online/authorized during play. Otherwise your multiplayer game will disconnect after a short time.

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

I have to find a good way to extract your OAuth token from the Oculus client (or patch the current running App ID). Armada indicated that they can build this into the Revive Dashboard once I have more info.

In the mean time you can use it manually at

LuckMic commented 4 years ago

I have to find a good way to extract your OAuth token from the Oculus client (or patch the current running App ID). Armada indicated that they can build this into the Revive Dashboard once I have more info.

In the mean time you can use it manually at

Would this also fix multiplayer problems in other games like drop dead?

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

Would this also fix multiplayer problems in other games like drop dead?

Yeah. As long as you update the app ID in the script it fixes multiplayer for all games :)

LuckMic commented 4 years ago

I hope it will be part of Revive. It would be a great improvement.

DebrisHauler commented 4 years ago

@LuckMic I saw your original comment asked how to grab the token. Here are the steps.

Step 1. setup fiddler so it decrypts https...

fiddler tools > options > HTTPS

Make sure Decrypt HTTPS traffic is checked.

Click Actions (top right of the same HTTPS window)

Trust & install the Fiddler Root certificate

Step 2. Clear out the network traffic rows so oculus traffic will be easier to pick out. To do this, simply close and restart Fiddler.

Step 3. Start Oculus Client. You will see some rows generate in fiddler.

Step 4. Get that acess_token! Select any one of the rows that has in the "Host" column. Now in the right half of fiddler, click Inspectors tab, click WebForms tab. Left click the value that is to the right of access_token. Right click, copy to clipboard.

Step 5. Close fiddler, it can interfere with multiplayer. But leave oculus client open.

The token will be invalid the next time you stop and start oculus client.

If you wish to untrust the fiddler root cert you can read how here.

whyme466 commented 4 years ago

Finally had to chance to play more of Stormland, after finishing superb Asgard's Wrath. Unfortunately, the Revive version of Stormland still seems to have some type of texture issues, even after fholger's patch (see above link). Some of the plant foliage (after starting area) appear to have double/blurred texture display.

LuckMic commented 4 years ago

Thx for the description. I made some tests and it doesn't help for Drop Dead, which still reconnect every 3 seconds and Echo VR works perfect without it.

ahmanwoods commented 4 years ago

@LuckMic did you update the app ID in the script?

fholger commented 4 years ago

@whyme466 Hm, I haven't noticed any further issues and can't spot any obvious differences between my Index with Revive and Quest via Oculus Link. Can you perhaps point to an instance of the problem e.g. in the base camp that is easy to find?

whyme466 commented 4 years ago

@fholger Sorry, the first place I really noticed the problem was in the immediate landing area of the Faint Signal mission, where Eco has identified a faint signal from Nix's plant. In the immediate landing area, the small green ground cover looks out of focus, relative to all other plants.

fholger commented 4 years ago

Right but does it improve if you close one eye? I.e. is it really a depth issue or just blurry? Because I do see some base vegetation that's just very low-res, but I think what I'm seeing is normal and is there even on Oculus.

RafaelSPBarbosa commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'm not sure of this has been said before but stormlands on revive using an oculus quest with virtual desktop has some huge stuttering/jiggering on the headsets movement, it's completely unplayable.

Unfortunately from what I heard, revive's dev is on vacation right? Is there any estimate as to when this would possibly be fixed?