LibreVR / Revive

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(unresponsive) drt.exe #852

Open trillex opened 6 years ago

trillex commented 6 years ago


Been trying to get Dirt Rally to work for a bit but I just seem to be unable to play it all proper like.

I did the basic thing, as written here:

Game starts up in a window, with the logo "Dirt Rally" and SteamVR states: (unresponsive) drt.exe

Windows 10 also shows the program as not responding. Screenshot further down.

Nothing to see in the logs, only something in ReviveOverlay, which I doubt have anything to do with the issue:

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile Failed to create the dashboard overlay (is it already running?) qrc:/Overlay.qml:41:5: QML ListModel: remove: indices [4 - 4] out of range [0 - 4] Loading manifest: file:///c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software/Manifests/E_Games_SteamLibrary_steamapps_common_DiRTRally_drt.json Loading manifest: file:///c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software/Manifests/playful-luckys-tale_assets.json Found assets bundle playful-luckys-tale_assets qrc:/Overlay.qml:41:5: QML ListModel: remove: indices [4 - 4] out of range [0 - 4] Loading manifest: file:///c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software/Manifests/E_Games_SteamLibrary_steamapps_common_DiRTRally_drt.json Loading manifest: file:///c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software/Manifests/E_Games_SteamLibrary_steamapps_common_DiRTRally_drt_assets.json Loading manifest: file:///c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software/Manifests/playful-luckys-tale_assets.json Found assets bundle E_Games_SteamLibrary_steamapps_common_DiRTRally_drt_assets Found assets bundle playful-luckys-tale_assets


trillex commented 6 years ago

Just to add: If I remove the Revive dll files, the game starts up without any issue. It is only as soon as I have it patched, it stops responding. Waiting does nothing.

trillex commented 6 years ago

Tried reinstalling Revive, Oculus and Dirt Rally.

Removed all controllers and made sure that the computer is as bare as possible, still nothing. Nothing in event log.

Sometimes, when crashing drt.exe, Steam crashes as well - but still no error messages.

Still no luck.

MaxDamage14 commented 6 years ago

Can confirm same thing happening. Using RiftCat + Vridge and my Note 8. Possibly something with the latest GeForce drivers? They were released with Fallout 4 VR on the title screen so they may have nudged something or other.

trillex commented 6 years ago

vrserver.txt shows the following, note that my HMD isn't moved so it is complaining a bit about that, the curious part is

Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.699 - Closing pipe drt (9960) because it was broken from the other end Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.699 - Process drt (9960) disconnected (Thread(0x0000022D16A43160/0x000)

Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.174 - New Connect message from D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally\drt.exe (VRApplication_Scene) (Args: ) 9960 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.174 - Creating builtin app for D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally\drt.exe (VRApplication_Scene)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.177 - Setting app system.generated.drt.exe PID to 9960
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.189 - lighthouse: Attached HID Devices:
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.189 - lighthouse:     28DE, 2000: s/n LHR-D2C0CA6C: HID (max-input-report 0)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.189 - lighthouse:     28DE, 2101: s/n F78EE9FBB4: Watchman Dongle (max-input-report 0)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.189 - lighthouse:     28DE, 2000: s/n LHR-D2C0CA6C: Lighthouse FPGA RX (max-input-report 1)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.189 - lighthouse:     28DE, 2101: s/n 52BBB3EA40: Watchman Dongle (max-input-report 0)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.189 - lighthouse:     BB4, 2C87: s/n 2064307D564E: HTC Vive (max-input-report 0)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.212 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C: Read config of 3489 bytes from [vid:28de, pid:2000] (LHR-D2C0CA6C) and inflated to 16636 bytes
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.215 - lighthouse: HMD Model: HTC Vive
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.215 - lighthouse: Parsing LighthouseDB from file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lighthousedb.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.216 - lighthouse: Successfully parsed Lighthouse DB rev 163 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lighthousedb.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.216 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: Source: auto disambiguator -- Preferred basestation 00000000
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.217 - lighthouse: Enumerating displays...
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: MONITOR\ACI24E1\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003: 0, 0, 1920, 1080
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: MONITOR\SAM08B2\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0004: 1920, 0, 1920, 1080
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: <hidden>: 0, 0, 0, 0
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: RecommendedRenderTargetSize: 1080, 1200 (viewport 1512, 1680 scaled by 1.40)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: Loaded Chromatic Correction Factors RED (-0.024, 0.050, -0.028, -0.006) BLUE (0.025, -0.058, 0.037, 0.008) x 0.750
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C: Attached device ID not set.  No controller input available.
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: TrackedCamera: OpenCamera()
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.225 - lighthouse: TrackedCamera: Expecting drivers at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\lighthouse\bin\win64'
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.227 - lighthouse: Attempting HID Open IMU: LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.227 - lighthouse: Lighthouse IMU HID opened
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.227 - lighthouse: TrackedCamera: Failed to find camera at USB VID:0BB4, USB PID:030C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.227 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C: Firmware Version 1462663157 steamservices@firmware-win32 2016-05-08 FPGA 1.6/0/0
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.227 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C: Unable to fetch gyro/accelerometer range modes from the device
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.228 - lighthouse: Attempting HID Open Optical: LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.228 - lighthouse: Lighthouse Optical HID opened
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.229 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C: Successfully fetched gyro/accelerometer range modes from the device. GyroRangeMode:1 AccelRangeMode:1
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.233 - lighthouse: TrackedCamera: Found Camera at USB VID:0BB4, USB PID:2C87
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.241 - lighthouse: InitTrackedCamera(): Opened tracked camera on (LHR-D2C0CA6C). Compatibility Mode:0. Version: 02.05.017 Date: 2016.Jul.19
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.241 - lighthouse: InitTrackedCamera(): Disabling camera on (LHR-D2C0CA6C) due to vr settings. Camera services restricted.
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.241 -   driver lighthouse implements interfaces IVRSettings_002 ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_005 IVRDisplayComponent_002 IVRDriverDirectModeComponent_004 IVRControllerComponent_001 IVRCameraComponent_002 IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004 IVRWatchdogProvider_001 IVRVirtualDisplay_001 IVRDriverManager_001 IVRResources_001 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.241 - Loaded server driver lighthouse (IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004) from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\lighthouse\bin\win64\driver_lighthouse.dll
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.242 - lighthouse: Attempting HID Open IMU: F78EE9FBB4
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.242 - lighthouse: Lighthouse IMU HID opened
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.242 - PoseUpdated from driver 1 for object 0 which is actually from -1
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.242 - lighthouse: Loading MC file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lhr-d2c0ca6c\userdata\'
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.242 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: SwSyncDetect Start, primary: tdm, alt: framer
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.242 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: TDM sensorType: 0
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.253 - lighthouse: Clamping MC to 93 (1.0%) 161 (99.0%)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.255 - lighthouse: VerifyUSBUserDataInDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lhr-d2c0ca6c\userdata\ validated
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.256 - lighthouse: Loading MC file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lhr-d2c0ca6c\userdata\'
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.256 - lighthouse: VerifyUSBUserDataInDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lhr-d2c0ca6c\userdata\ validated
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.266 - lighthouse: Clamping MC to 96 (1.0%) 157 (99.0%)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.269 - lighthouse: Generating hidden area mesh for "HTC Vive" left eye
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.269 - lighthouse: Generating hidden area mesh for "HTC Vive" right eye
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.269 - Active HMD set to lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.270 - Guessing frequency of current display mode because SDL failed us
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.270 - Initialized EyeToHead Left Translation -0.031500 0.000000 0.015000 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.270 - Initialized EyeToHead Right Translation 0.031500 0.000000 0.015000 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.270 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from drt (9960) took 0.0961 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.271 - DXGI thread failed to get SDL display index
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.310 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrcompositor.exe (VRApplication_Background) (Args: ) 3128 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.314 - Setting app openvr.component.vrcompositor PID to 3128
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.316 - App openvr.component.vrcompositor loaded fallback binding file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\config\vrcompositor_bindings_generic.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.316 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.316 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from vrcompositor (3128) took 0.00582 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.447 - lighthouse: F78EE9FBB4: WARNING: Unable to set sync detect mode 0
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.448 - lighthouse: Attempting HID Open IMU: 52BBB3EA40
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.448 - lighthouse: Lighthouse IMU HID opened
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.654 - lighthouse: 52BBB3EA40: WARNING: Unable to set sync detect mode 0
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.655 - lighthouse: Attempting HID Open HMD: 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.655 - lighthouse: Lighthouse HMD HID opened
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:49.656 - lighthouse: HmdDeviceConnect( 53794, 43521, 3146256, 33 )
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.698 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrdashboard.exe (VRApplication_Overlay) (Args: ) 14196 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.699 - Closing pipe drt (9960) because it was broken from the other end
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.699 - Process drt (9960) disconnected (Thread(0x0000022D16A43160/0x000)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.703 - Creating builtin app for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrdashboard.exe (VRApplication_Overlay)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.703 - Setting app system.generated.vrdashboard.exe PID to 14196
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.703 - VRDashboard watchdog enabled for pid:14196
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.704 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.704 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from vrdashboard (14196) took 0.00571 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.760 - New Connect message from D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally\drt.exe (VRApplication_Scene) (Args: ) 9960 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.760 - Unable to create property container for drt (9960). Maybe it's a reconnect?
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.764 - Setting app system.generated.drt.exe PID to 9960
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.764 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.811 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrmonitor.exe (VRApplication_VRMonitor) (Args: -nokillprocess) 8404 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.814 - Creating builtin app for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrmonitor.exe (VRApplication_VRMonitor)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.814 - Setting app system.generated.vrmonitor.exe PID to 8404
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.814 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.827 - Closing pipe drt (9960) because it was broken from the other end
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.827 - Process drt (9960) disconnected (Thread(0x0000022D16A43F60/0x000)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.926 - New Connect message from D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally\drt.exe (VRApplication_Scene) (Args: ) 9960 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.926 - Unable to create property container for drt (9960). Maybe it's a reconnect?
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.930 - Setting app system.generated.drt.exe PID to 9960
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:50.930 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.563 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe (VRApplication_Overlay) (Args: -silent) 7228 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.567 - Creating builtin app for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe (VRApplication_Overlay)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.567 - Setting app system.generated.steam.exe PID to 7228
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.567 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.597 - Processing message VRMsg_AddApplicationManifest from Steam (7228) took 0.00566 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.731 - Setting app htc.vive.overlay PID to 8472
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.731 - Started autolaunch dashboard htc.vive.overlay.
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.751 - Setting app matzman666.advancedsettings PID to 9640
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.751 - Started autolaunch dashboard matzman666.advancedsettings.
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.766 - Setting app revive.dashboard.overlay PID to 9420
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.766 - Started autolaunch dashboard revive.dashboard.overlay.
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.766 - Processing message VRMsg_StartAutolaunchOverlays from vrdashboard (14196) took 0.0715 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.886 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files\OpenVR-AdvancedSettings\AdvancedSettings.exe (VRApplication_Overlay) (Args: ) 9640 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.892 - Setting app matzman666.advancedsettings PID to 9640
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.892 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:51.892 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from AdvancedSettings (9640) took 0.00655 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.844 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files (x86)\ViveSetup\Updater\App\Dashboard\win32\ViveDashboard.exe (VRApplication_Overlay) (Args: -compositor) 8472 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.849 - Setting app htc.vive.overlay PID to 8472
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.849 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.849 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from ViveDashboard (8472) took 0.0055 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.905 - New Connect message from C:\Program Files\Revive\ReviveOverlay.exe (VRApplication_Overlay) (Args: -compositor) 9420 
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.911 - Setting app revive.dashboard.overlay PID to 9420
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.911 - Using existing HMD lighthouse.LHR-D2C0CA6C
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:52.911 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from ReviveOverlay (9420) took 0.00556 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:53.021 - C:\Program Files\Revive\revive.vrmanifest - Unable to read manifest. Removing that file for the next startup
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:54.243 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: No base stations seen...
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:54.243 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: No optical frames in past 5 seconds
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:03:54.681 - lighthouse: Unknown Hmd Interrupt packet: report ID 2
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:02.932 - 0 - entering standby
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:07.175 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: tdm sync acquired
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:10.088 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: framer disambiguator provided base configuration. Rotor count: 2
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:10.088 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: SwSyncDetect selected tdm
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:10.166 - lighthouse:  Base E3C491B1 observed
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:10.186 - App openvr.component.vrcompositor loaded fallback binding file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\config\vrcompositor_bindings_generic.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:13.367 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base E3C491B1 (delayed) distance 2.96m velocity 0.02m/s base pitch ~8.1 deg roll ~0.0 deg -----
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:14.246 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: Optical frames received again...
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.035 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: ----- CALIBRATED base E3C491B1 at pitch 7.39 deg roll 0.69 deg -----
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.035 - lighthouse: Updating tilt for E3C491B1.36. Old= 6.87, 0.36, 39.4784 <- 0.61 deg -> new= 7.39, 0.69, 7.29671e-006   result=7.39, 0.69, 7.29671e-006
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.035 - lighthouse: BootstrapFinished setting tilt base to E3C491B1
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.035 - lighthouse: Selected existing universe 1512666540 (E3C491B1 is secondary)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.035 - lighthouse: Setting tilt from E3C491B1 via transform to global: pitch 15.57 deg roll 3.62 deg
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.052 - lighthouse: Saved LighthouseDB rev 164 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lighthousedb.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:15.257 - 0 - leaving standby
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:17.743 - lighthouse:  Base C10231A8 observed
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:17.758 - App openvr.component.vrcompositor loaded fallback binding file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\config\vrcompositor_bindings_generic.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:19.247 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: Trying to add a secondary base C10231A8: Not enough contiguous samples for a bootstrap pose
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:26.835 - 0 - entering standby
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:30.820 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: Resetting tracking: no optical samples from base E3C491B1 for 2000ms
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:30.820 - lighthouse: Stopped tracking with universe 1512666540
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:35.401 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base E3C491B1 (delayed) distance 2.97m velocity 0.02m/s base pitch ~8.1 deg roll ~0.0 deg -----
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:37.068 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: ----- CALIBRATED base E3C491B1 at pitch 7.48 deg roll 0.71 deg -----
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:37.068 - lighthouse: Updating tilt for E3C491B1.36. Old= 7.39, 0.69, 7.29671e-006 <- 0.10 deg -> new= 7.48, 0.71, 7.30584e-006   result=7.48, 0.71, 7.30584e-006
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:37.068 - lighthouse: BootstrapFinished setting tilt base to E3C491B1
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:37.068 - lighthouse: Selected existing universe 1512666540 (E3C491B1 is secondary)
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:37.068 - lighthouse: Setting tilt from E3C491B1 via transform to global: pitch 15.47 deg roll 3.61 deg
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:37.084 - lighthouse: Saved LighthouseDB rev 165 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\lighthousedb.json
Thu Dec 14 2017 17:04:40.824 - lighthouse: LHR-D2C0CA6C H: Trying to add a secondary base C10231A8: Not enough contiguous samples for a bootstrap pose
freddeah commented 6 years ago

I have the exact same problem. I've tried reinstalling Dirt and experimented some with DirectX Runtimes, but no luck.

trillex commented 6 years ago

Been looking through all of the issues and have sadly not been able to find anything else to add to this issue.

I have fiddled with DirectX Runtimes, reinstalled in every way imaginable and there is nothing to find on why drt.exe is hanging.

For good measure, I'm using Windows 10, 64 bit on a i7 8700k with a 1070 GTX.

trillex commented 6 years ago

Another day, another attempt.

Made sure that .Net Framework 3.5 was installed and working. Obviously grasping at straws here.

Still nothing.

CrossVR commented 6 years ago

Did you buy Dirt Rally through Steam or the Oculus Store?

Try the beta version:

If that doesn't work, try this old version:

If you're using the Steam version, make sure you re-patch it every time you change versions, this is not done automatically.

trillex commented 6 years ago

Bought it through Steam. Don't have any games on Oculus.

Beta version is what I have been running and it doesn't work.

The 1.1.12 does, however, work and it is absolutely fantastic.

You're amazing!

freddeah commented 6 years ago

1.1.12 does indeed work, many thanks! Steam version here also.

CrossVR commented 6 years ago

@trillex There are three versions of the beta, I assume you haven't tried the most recent version, because I can only reproduce the problem with older beta versions.

trillex commented 6 years ago

Oh, very true - I took the latest one on the releases page, which is 1.2.0-beta3.

Edit: Just confirmed by reinstalling it, repatching and still getting unresponsive with 1.2.0-beta3.

CrossVR commented 6 years ago

That's very strange, thanks for confirming, I'll look into it some more.

Jaco226 commented 6 years ago

Got the same issue, I'll keep my fingers crossed for solution!

khaos2027 commented 6 years ago

Sorry but was version 1.1.12's .exe Installer removed? and still the only working one? I've tried many other versions (up to 1.3) and followed these steps but get the unresponsive drt.exe on all of them, or no message and DiRT rally crashes