LibriVox / librivox-catalog

LibriVox catalog and reader workflow application
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Expand author autocomplete #223

Closed redrun45 closed 3 weeks ago

redrun45 commented 2 months ago

Status updated in a later comment.

Status of this PR:

Until now, autocomplete for filling in author names has been confined to only searching by last_name of the "real" author entry in the database. Pseudonyms are not included in the search list (#42), and for common names like "smith", we have too many results for folks to find the right one (#197)... resulting in duplicates as authors are re-added. This PR addresses both.

I know this may be one of those 'too clever for your own good' situations, so please do let me know what you think, when you get the time. I've rewritten this series of commits, which should hopefully make each one easier to follow than the larger chunk all at once.

redrun45 commented 2 months ago

To make for easier reading of the code, I've adjusted this based on #170. The logic remains the same, I've only adjusted the $bindings array.

notartom commented 1 month ago

Deployed on staging.

redrun45 commented 1 month ago

I've removed the 'WIP' tag! Ready for review or inclusion, and willing to make changes if requested.

notartom commented 4 weeks ago

I'm not an expert in any of that code (as mentioned previously, the original developer has long since moved on, I'm just the sysadmin), but nothing jumps out as being insane ;) I think we can merge and deploy.