Open Licarious opened 10 months ago
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String zipPath = "C:\\Users\\fligh\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Java IRMap Output\\";
File `readFile` = new File("C:\\Users\\fligh\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Java IRMap Output\\ChannelData.txt");
// Create a text file with "hello world" in it
File file = new File("Test.txt");
try {
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file);
fileWriter.write("hello world2");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Add files to the zip file
addFilesToZip(Arrays.asList(file), zipPath);
addFilesToZip(Arrays.asList(readFile), zipPath);
public static void addFilesToZip(List<File> files, String zipPath) throws IOException {
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Paths.get(zipPath), (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path root = fs.getPath("/");
// For each file, copy it into the zip file
for (File file : files) {
System.out.println("File Added: " + file.getName());
// Check if file with same name already exists in the zip
Path zipEntryPath = root.resolve(file.getName());
if (Files.exists(zipEntryPath)) {
// Delete the existing file
// Add file to the zip
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(zipEntryPath)) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
public record FilePathRecord(Path outerZip, Path innerZip, Path file) {}
public record FilePathRecordOptional(Optional<Path> outerZip, Optional<Path> innerZip, Path file) {}
public static void writeToNestedZip(FilePathRecord record, byte[] fileContent) throws IOException {
// Check if the outer zip file exists, if not, create it
if (!Files.exists(record.outerZip)) {
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(record.outerZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
// Check if the inner zip file exists, if not, create it
if (!Files.exists(fs.getPath(record.innerZip.toString()))) {
// Write file content to inner zip file
writeToZip(fs.getPath(record.innerZip.toString()), record.file.getFileName().toString(), fileContent);
private static void createNestedZip(Path zipFilePath) throws IOException {
try (ZipOutputStream outerZipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(zipFilePath))) {}
private static void writeToZip(Path zipFilePath, String fileName, byte[] content) throws IOException {
// Create the zip file if it doesn't exist
if (!Files.exists(zipFilePath)) {
// Open the zip file system and write the content
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFilePath, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path file = fs.getPath(fileName);
Files.write(file, content);
public static void writeToNestedZip(FilePathRecordOptional record, byte[] fileContent) throws IOException {
if(record.outerZip.isPresent() && record.innerZip.isPresent()) {
// Check if the outer zip file exists, if not, create it
if (!Files.exists(record.outerZip.get())) {
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(record.outerZip.get(), (ClassLoader) null)) {
// Check if the inner zip file exists, if not, create it
if (!Files.exists(fs.getPath(record.innerZip.toString()))) {
// Write file content to inner zip file
writeToZip(fs.getPath(record.innerZip.get().toString()), record.file.getFileName().toString(), fileContent);
else if(record.outerZip.isPresent()) {
// Check if the outer zip file exists, if not, create it
if (!Files.exists(record.outerZip.get())) {
// Write file content to outer zip file
writeToZip(record.outerZip.get(), record.file.getFileName().toString(), fileContent);
else if(record.innerZip.isPresent()) {
// Check if the inner zip file exists, if not, create it
if (!Files.exists(record.innerZip.get())) {
// Write file content to inner zip file
writeToZip(record.innerZip.get(), record.file.getFileName().toString(), fileContent);
//I don't think we will need this last else statement
else {
// Write file content to file
Files.write(record.file, fileContent);
public record zipedFileRecord(Path innerZip, Path file, String parrentFolder) {}
public static List<zipedFileRecord> getAllFilesWithNameInZip(Path zipFilePath, String fileName) throws IOException {
List<zipedFileRecord> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
//if one of the files is a zip file, we need to open it
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFilePath, (ClassLoader) null)) {
//if the file is a zip file we need to open it by checking the first 4 bytes of the file
.filter(path -> {
try {
return Files.readAllBytes(path).length >
4 &&
Files.readAllBytes(path)[0] == 0x50 &&
Files.readAllBytes(path)[1] == 0x4B &&
Files.readAllBytes(path)[2] == 0x03 &&
Files.readAllBytes(path)[3] == 0x04;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
.forEach(path -> {
try {
//if the file is a zip file, we need to open it
try (FileSystem fs2 = FileSystems.newFileSystem
(path, (ClassLoader) null)) {
.filter(path2 -> path2.getFileName().toString().equals(fileName))
//add the file to the list using path as the inner zip and path2 as the file, and just the name of the parrent folder as the parrent folder
.forEach(path2 -> fileList.add(new zipedFileRecord(path, path2, path2.getParent().getFileName().toString())));
//.forEach(path2 -> fileList.add(new zipedFileRecord(path, path2, path2.getParent().toString())));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle IOException
//print out the files
System.out.println("Files with name: " + fileName + " in zip: " + zipFilePath.toString());
for (zipedFileRecord fileRecord : fileList) {
System.out.println("Inner Zip: " + fileRecord.innerZip.toString() + " File: " + fileRecord.file.toString()
+ " Parrent Folder: " + fileRecord.parrentFolder);
return fileList;
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the writing process */ public static void writeToZip(Path zipPath, Path filePath, byte[] content) throws IOException { //if zipPath doesn't exist, create it if (!Files.exists(zipPath)) { createZip(zipPath); }
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path file = fs.getPath(filePath.toString());
// if the file path doesn't exist, create it
if (file.getParent() != null && !Files.exists(file.getParent())) {
Files.write(file, content);
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the deletion process */ public static void deleteFolderFromZip(Path zipPath, Path folderPath) throws IOException { try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, (ClassLoader) null)) { //check if the folder exists and delete it and any subfiles and subfolders if (Files.exists(fs.getPath(folderPath.toString()))) { Files.walk(fs.getPath(folderPath.toString())).sorted(java.util.Comparator.reverseOrder()) .map(Path::toFile).forEach(File::delete); } } }
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the process
public static void deleteAllSubfoldersExcept(Path zipPath, Path startingPath, List
//get all valid subfolders
Set<String> allValidPaths = new HashSet<>();
for (Path path : validPaths) {
allValidPaths.addAll(getValidZipPaths(zipPath, path));
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path startingFolderPath = fs.getPath(startingPath.toString());
// Get all paths under the starting folder
List<Path> allPaths = new ArrayList<>();
Files.walkFileTree(startingFolderPath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
// Sort paths in reverse order
// Delete paths not in allValidSubPaths
for (Path path : allPaths) {
if (!allValidPaths.contains(path.toString())) {
// Recursive method to delete a directory and all its contents
private static void deleteDirectoryAndContents(Path directory) throws IOException {
Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the process
public static Set
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the export process */ public static void exportZipFile(Path zipPath, Path folder, Path exportPath) throws IOException { try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, (ClassLoader) null)) { try (ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(exportPath))) { Path folderPathInZip = fs.getPath(folder.toString()); Files.walk(folderPathInZip).forEach(filePath -> { try { if (!Files.isDirectory(filePath)) { Path relativePath = folderPathInZip.relativize(filePath); zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(relativePath.toString())); Files.copy(filePath, zos); zos.closeEntry(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); } } }
public static void importZipFile(Path zipPath, Path folder, Path importPath) throws IOException {
if (!Files.exists(zipPath)) {
//create the zip file if it doesn't exist
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, (ClassLoader) null)) {
try (ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(Files.newInputStream(importPath))) {
ZipEntry zipEntry;
while ((zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
Path filePath = fs.getPath(folder.toString(), zipEntry.getName());
Files.copy(zis, filePath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
public static void importZipFile2(Path zipPath, Path folder, Path importPath) throws IOException {
if (!Files.exists(zipPath)) {
// Create the zip file if it doesn't exist
// Open the zip file system
try (FileSystem zipFs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, (ClassLoader) null)) {
// Open the import zip file
try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(importPath.toFile())) {
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
Path filePath = zipFs.getPath(folder.toString(), entry.getName());
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
} else {
try (InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry)) {
Files.copy(is, filePath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
public static void importZipFile3(Path zipPath, Path folder, Path importPath) throws IOException { //this one causes problems for the other 2
if (!Files.exists(zipPath)) {
// Create the zip file if it doesn't exist
try (ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(zipPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND));
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(importPath.toFile())) {
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
String entryName = folder.resolve(entry.getName()).toString().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(entryName);
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
} else {
try (InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry)) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = > 0) {
zos.write(buffer, 0, len);
System.out.println("Imported file: " + entryName);
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class ZipHandlerTest {
private Path tempZip;
private Path tempDir;
private static final byte[] SAMPLE_CONTENT = "Sample Content".getBytes();
public void setUp() throws IOException {
tempDir = Paths.get("testFolder");
if (!Files.exists(tempDir)) {
tempZip = tempDir.resolve("");
public void tearDown() throws IOException {
Files.walkFileTree(tempDir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
//if a file is deleted, print its name
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
//if a directory is deleted, print its name
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public void testWriteToZipCreatesZipFileWhenZipPathDoesNotExist() throws IOException {
Path filePath = Path.of("folder/file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
public void testWriteToZipCreatesParentDirectoriesWhenParentDirectoryIsNull() throws IOException {
Path filePath = Path.of("file.txt"); // No parent directory
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Verify that the file exists in the zip
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path fileInZip = fs.getPath(filePath.toString());
public void testWriteToZipDoesNotRecreateExistingParentDirectories() throws IOException {
// Create a parent directory before calling the writeToZip method
Path parentDir = Files.createTempDirectory("parentDir");
Path filePath = parentDir.resolve("file.txt");
// Write to the zip with an existing parent directory
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Verify that the parent directory exists and only created once
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path parentInZip = fs.getPath(parentDir.toString());
assertEquals(1, Files.list(parentInZip).count()); // Only one file should exist
public void testWriteToZipDoesNotOverwriteExistingFile() throws IOException {
// Write a file with the same name to the zip
Path existingFilePath = Path.of("folder/file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, existingFilePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Write the same file to the zip again
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, existingFilePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Verify that only one file exists in the zip
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path fileInZip = fs.getPath(existingFilePath.toString());
assertEquals(1, Files.list(fileInZip.getParent()).count()); // Only one file should exist
public void testWriteToZipWritesContent() throws IOException {
Path filePath = Paths.get("folder/file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path fileInZip = fs.getPath(filePath.toString());
assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_CONTENT, Files.readAllBytes(fileInZip));
public void testWriteToZipCreatesDirectories() throws IOException {
Path filePath = Paths.get("folder/subfolder/file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path dirInZip = fs.getPath("folder/subfolder");
public void testDeleteAllSubfoldersExcept() throws IOException {
// Create multiple folders and files
Path validFolder = Paths.get("folder/valid");
Path invalidFolder = Paths.get("folder/invalid");
Path validFile = validFolder.resolve("file.txt");
Path invalidFile = invalidFolder.resolve("file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, validFile, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, invalidFile, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Delete all subfolders except the valid one
List<Path> validPaths = Collections.singletonList(validFolder);
ZipHandler.deleteAllSubfoldersExcept(tempZip, Paths.get("folder"), validPaths);
// Verify valid folder exists and invalid folder is deleted
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
public void testExportZipFile() throws IOException {
// Write a file to the zip
Path folderPath = Paths.get("folder");
Path filePath = folderPath.resolve("file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// List contents of the original zip
System.out.println("Original zip contents:");
// Export the contents of the zip to a new zip
Path exportZip = tempDir.resolve("");
System.out.println("Exporting zip from: " + tempZip + " to: " + exportZip);
ZipHandler.exportZipFile(tempZip, folderPath, exportZip);
// List contents of the exported zip
System.out.println("Exported zip contents:");
// Verify the new zip has the file directly under the root
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(exportZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
Path fileInExportZip = fs.getPath("file.txt");
System.out.println("Checking existence of: " + fileInExportZip);
assertTrue(Files.exists(fileInExportZip), "File should exist in the exported zip");
assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_CONTENT, Files.readAllBytes(fileInExportZip), "File content should match");
public void testImportZipFile() throws IOException {
// Create a zip file to import from
Path importZip = tempDir.resolve("");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(importZip, Paths.get("importFolder", "file.txt"), SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Import the contents of the import zip into the original zip
Path folderPath = Paths.get("importFolder");
ZipHandler.importZipFile(tempZip, folderPath, importZip);
// List contents of the original zip after import
System.out.println("Contents of original zip after import:");
// Verify the original zip has the imported file directly under the specified folder
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(tempZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
// Adjusted path to check for the file directly under the importFolder
Path fileInZip = fs.getPath(folderPath.toString(), "importFolder", "file.txt");
System.out.println("Checking existence of: " + fileInZip);
assertTrue(Files.exists(fileInZip), "File should exist in the original zip under the specified folder");
assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_CONTENT, Files.readAllBytes(fileInZip), "File content should match");
// also a test when the tmpZip file does not exist
Path nonExistentZip = tempDir.resolve("");
ZipHandler.importZipFile(nonExistentZip, folderPath, importZip);
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(nonExistentZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
// Adjusted path to check for the file directly under the importFolder
Path fileInZip = fs.getPath(folderPath.toString(), "importFolder", "file.txt");
System.out.println("Checking existence of: " + fileInZip);
assertTrue(Files.exists(fileInZip), "File should exist in the original zip under the specified folder");
assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_CONTENT, Files.readAllBytes(fileInZip), "File content should match");
public void testImportZipFileWhenZipDoesNotExist() throws IOException {
// Create a zip file to import from
Path importZip = tempDir.resolve("");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(importZip, Paths.get("importFolder", "file.txt"), SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Import the contents of the import zip into the original zip
Path folderPath = Paths.get("importFolder");
// also a test when the tmpZip file does not exist
Path nonExistentZip = tempDir.resolve("");
//check if nonExistentZip exists
assertFalse(Files.exists(nonExistentZip), "The non-existent zip file should not exist");
ZipHandler.importZipFile(nonExistentZip, folderPath, importZip);
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(nonExistentZip, (ClassLoader) null)) {
// Adjusted path to check for the file directly under the importFolder
Path fileInZip = fs.getPath(folderPath.toString(), "importFolder", "file.txt");
System.out.println("Checking existence of: " + fileInZip);
assertTrue(Files.exists(fileInZip), "File should exist in the original zip under the specified folder");
assertArrayEquals(SAMPLE_CONTENT, Files.readAllBytes(fileInZip), "File content should match");
public void testImportZipFileDoesNotCreateZipFileIfAlreadyExists() throws IOException {
// Create a zip file
Path filePath = Path.of("folder","file.txt");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(tempZip, filePath, SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Create a temporary import zip file
Path importZip = tempDir.resolve("");
ZipHandler.writeToZip(importZip, Path.of("folder", "importFile.txt"), SAMPLE_CONTENT);
// Call the importZipFile method with existing zipPath and importPath
ZipHandler.importZipFile(tempZip, Path.of("folder"), importZip);
// Verify that the zip file was not recreated
public void testDeleteAllSubfoldersExceptWhenZipPathDoesNotExist() throws IOException {
// Create a temporary non-existent zip path
Path nonExistentZipPath = tempDir.resolve("");
// Define some dummy values for startingPath and validPaths (not relevant for this test)
Path startingPath = Path.of("starting");
List<Path> validPaths = new ArrayList<>();
ZipHandler.deleteAllSubfoldersExcept(nonExistentZipPath, startingPath, validPaths);
// Verify that the method does not perform any operations when zipPath does not exist
assertFalse(Files.exists(nonExistentZipPath), "The method should not create the zipPath if it does not exist");
} pg 5 pg 38
Can multiple packets be sent at the same time? Are the packet recorded to the Chapter 10 file at the start of the bit stream or at the end?
pg 39