You have been paired for Round 4 in Season 27.
@akhmadzaki (white pieces) vs @unclevinny (black pieces)
Message your opponent here as soon as possible.
When you have agreed on a time, post it in #team-scheduling.
This pairing was for an alt (futyporyt) and a non-alt:
You have been paired for Round 4 in Season 27.
@osrswoodcutting (white pieces) vs @futyporyt(black pieces)
Message your opponent here as soon as possible.
When you have agreed on a time, post it in #team-scheduling.
This is a sporadic problem, and doesn't seem to be related to whether either user has their Slack time zone set, or a country chosen at lichess.
Examples from recent chesster DMs:
This example was for two non-alts:
This pairing was for an alt (futyporyt) and a non-alt:
This is a sporadic problem, and doesn't seem to be related to whether either user has their Slack time zone set, or a country chosen at lichess.