Lichtwerkstatt / XRTL_SPA

Single Page Application for XRTL Remote Lab
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

MI components #136

Open FalkoFuroro opened 8 months ago

FalkoFuroro commented 8 months ago

State of Things The naming is not perfect and could be improved in the future, not right now.

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Nr. | Name Description | Controls / IDs | Info | Board -- |-- | -- | -- | -- 1 | **Power Supply**
_5V Laser Power Supply_ | greenlaserPower_1 | | MI_I 2 | **Laser Alignment**
_KM100 Double Rotary Control_ | greenlaser_top_1 greenlaser_bottom_1 | | MI_I 3 | **Multi Component Selection**
_Custom Revolving Mount_ | experimentSelection pinhole redLED whiteLED | | MI_II 4 | **Reference Mirror**
_Rotary platform for the lasers_ | KM100_top_1 KM100_bottom_1 | | MI_III 5 | **Linear Movable Mirror**
_SM1ZP/M Translation Mount_ | linear_1 | | MI_IV 6 | **Heatable Mirror Stage**
_Mirror Mounted on an Aluminum Rod_ | heater thermistor | | MI_IV 7 | **Mirror Changing Stage**
_PR01/M Rotation Stage_ | heater_rotation | | MI_VI 8 | **Glass Plate Rotation Stage**
_PR01/M Rotation Stage_ | plate_rotation | | MI_VI 9 | **Lens**
_Bi-Convex 50mm Focal Length_ | | The lens is used to diverge the beam of laser light in order to illuminate a larger area of the screen and thereby to obtain an interference pattern consisting of light and dark rings (constructive or destructive interference, respectively). Without a lens, the laser would create only one spot on the screen, which is either very bright (constructive interference) or completely gone (destructive interference). | 10 | **Beam Splitter**
_50:50 Cube Beam Splitter_ | | The beam splitter is a partially reflective surface that splits the incoming beam of light into two separate beams, known as the reference beam and the sample beam. This cube beam splitter is made up of two prisms that are cemented together. | |   |   |   11 | Overview Camera | overview led_overview | | MI_Cam_I 12 | **Screen**
_Screen with Interference Pattern_ | screen led_screen | | MI_Cam_II 13 | Top Light | relay_light led_light | | MI_V