Open fsmMLK opened 2 years ago
It seems the same instructions are required for the repository BP-Fine-tuning-for-HTC-2022. Can you confirm this?
Dear professor,
Thank you for your attention. Yes, the matlab toolboxes can be installed following the steps below.
This is all we need to run the code on Windows. The same is true for the repository BP-Fine-tuning-for-HTC-2022.
Besides, for Linux, we need to replace the corresponding toolboxes (ASTRA Tomography Toolbox, HelTomo Toolbox, and Spot Linear-Operator Toolbox) in the folder "toolbox".
The folder "toolbox" is included in line 2 of solver.m by "addpath(genpath('./toolbox/'));" and these toolboxes are called for in line 10 of solver.m by "A = create_ct_operator_2d_fan_astra_cuda(CtDataLimited, n, n);".
Best regards, Xintong Liu
Do you have the zip file for for linux?
Sorry, we don't have the zip file for linux. We only tested the algorithm on Windows.
In our opinion, the only Matlab toolbox we use is the ASTRA Toolbox (and the toolboxes it relies on), as stated in the third page of the official document
The reconstructions have been computed using the filtered back-projection algorithm provided by the ASTRA Toolbox.
Dear competitors,
Can you give more detailed instructions about how to install the matlab toolboxes? From the main page It seems I just need to unrar the file into the main folder, that is, the folder where is located.
Can you confirm this information? Do I need to add anything to matlab's path?