LidiaTre / dinner_dice

Say goodbye to dinner monotony with "Dinner Dice". Roll, discover, and delight in random recipe suggestions that bring excitement and flavor to your dining experience.
MIT License
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Invitate friends #12

Open LidiaTre opened 1 year ago

LidiaTre commented 1 year ago

Feature: Recipe Sharing with Friends


The purpose of this feature is to enable users to store their favorite recipes in the app and share them with friends. By sharing recipes in advance, friends will have the opportunity to choose the dishes they would like to have for dinner or any other gathering at the user's house.

User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to add my favorite recipes to the app.
  2. As a user, I want to organize my recipes into categories (e.g., appetizers, main dishes, desserts).
  3. As a user, I want to share my recipes with my friends via various communication channels.
  4. As a user, I want to receive feedback or comments from friends on the shared recipes.
  5. As a user, I want to be able to edit or delete my recipes as needed.
  6. As a friend, I want to view the shared recipes and provide my preferences or comments.

Acceptance Criteria

Implementation Steps

  1. Design and implement a user interface for adding and managing recipes, including fields for recipe details and optional image upload.
  2. Implement a data storage mechanism to store and retrieve the added recipes.
  3. Integrate sharing functionality to allow users to share recipes via various communication channels. Implement appropriate sharing APIs or mechanisms.
  4. Design and implement the user interface for viewing shared recipes and providing comments or preferences.
  5. Implement the necessary logic to enable editing or deleting of recipes.
  6. Test the app thoroughly to ensure that recipes can be added, shared, and managed successfully.

Additional Considerations



Testing Instructions

LidiaTre commented 1 year ago

The purpose of this feature is to enable friends to download the app and choose recipes on their own. By sharing the app link with friends, they can access the app, explore the recipe collection, and select their preferred dishes for upcoming gatherings.

User Stories

Acceptance Criteria