LieberInstitute / spatialDLPFC

spatialDLPFC project involving Visium (n = 30), Visium SPG (n = 4) and snRNA-seq (n = 19) samples
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Inconsistent naming convention for Brain positions in the raw cluster results #133

Closed boyiguo1 closed 1 year ago

boyiguo1 commented 1 year ago

In the clustering results saved at /dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/clustering_results, e.g. /dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/clustering_results/bayesSpace_harmony_9/clusters.csv

The naming convention of the column key is slightly inconsistent. e.g. AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 Br2720_ant_2 (the trailing "_2" after sample) vs AAACAACGAATAGTTC-1_Br2743_ant.

This potentially causes problems when using patterns to parse the key variable to Br_num and pos when merging with other datasets.

boyiguo1 commented 1 year ago

It is corrected in load("/dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/01_build_spe/spe_filtered_final.Rdata"). Hence recommended to use the R data to retrieve the clustering results, as spe$bayesSpace_harmony_9

lcolladotor commented 1 year ago

The _2 in Br2720_ant_2 does represent a different sample than Br2743_ant. See and related sample information files for more details.

Also, why are you using /dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/01_build_spe/spe_filtered_final.Rdata instead of /dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/01_build_spe/spe_filtered_final_with_clusters.Rdata? That second file was created by

Are you saying that there's a bug in spatialLIBD::cluster_import()? See how calls add_key(overwrite = TRUE) by default at

lcolladotor commented 1 year ago

All looks ok here to me on the file you linked to:

> x <- read.csv("/dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/clustering_results/bayesSpace_harmony_9/clusters.csv")
> uniq <- unique(gsub(".*_Br", "Br", x$key))
> length(uniq)
[1] 30
> sort(uniq)
 [1] "Br2720_ant_2" "Br2720_mid"   "Br2720_post"  "Br2743_ant"   "Br2743_mid"
 [6] "Br2743_post"  "Br3942_ant"   "Br3942_mid"   "Br3942_post"  "Br6423_ant"
[11] "Br6423_mid"   "Br6423_post"  "Br6432_ant_2" "Br6432_mid"   "Br6432_post"
[16] "Br6471_ant"   "Br6471_mid"   "Br6471_post"  "Br6522_ant"   "Br6522_mid"
[21] "Br6522_post"  "Br8325_ant"   "Br8325_mid_2" "Br8325_post"  "Br8492_ant"
[26] "Br8492_mid"   "Br8492_post"  "Br8667_ant"   "Br8667_mid"   "Br8667_post"
boyiguo1 commented 1 year ago

My issue at the time was that I thought the Br part is the sample_id, and I tried to match it to deconv results files that Nick created. That would create a problem since Br2720_ant_2 would not match toBr2720_ant(at least this is my understanding). The same applies to Br6432_ant_2 and r8325_mid_2.

Also, why are you using /dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/01_build_spe/spe_filtered_final.Rdata instead of /dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialDLPFC_LIBD4035/spatialDLPFC/processed-data/rdata/spe/01_build_spe/spe_filtered_final_with_clusters.Rdata?

I think I copied the wrong line.

Are you saying that there's a bug in spatialLIBD::cluster_import()? See how calls add_key(overwrite = TRUE) by default at

I was not saying there was a bug.