LieberInstitute / spatialLIBD

Code for the spatialLIBD R/Bioconductor package and shiny app
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In gene_set_enrichment use alternative greater #44

Closed lahuuki closed 1 year ago

lahuuki commented 1 year ago

While using gene_set_enrichment @sparthib noticed she had a significant result for a layer enrichment/gene-set pair with an OR = 0. The gene list she was using had no overlapping genes with genes enriched for in WM, so the OR=0, but the pval < 0.05. Currently the fisher.test is using the default alternative = "two.sided" so any OR != 1 can be significant so this result is technically correct but I think deviates from described use of this function, where we are looking for where gene sets are enriched or over represented in the models significant genes, where the OR > 1. I propose we change to using fisher.test(alternative = "greater") to avoid detecting OR < 1.

I also included a warning message for genes sets with n < 25 as in practice we thought they had too little power for good results.