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Use for the bottom bar #14

Open horseninja opened 11 years ago

horseninja commented 11 years ago

On the main page, the bottom bar seems too big. For small screen users (me right now) it's definitely too big. The more important issue though, is what to use it for.

New, User Kites, and Completed: I think Total Kites and Completed Kites are important measures that'll stay important, but their meaning in 2 years will be much different than it is today.

Rather than presenting these and New Kites as interfacey figures that are useful to the user (I don't think they are, really), I'd like to see Total and Completed presented in kind of an "Established 2013" way--at the bottom, with the usual company name, small-print kind of stuff that usually goes at the foot of a homepage and makes a site look established (even if the numbers now are low). Presented as a site/service achievement.

New, Total, and Completed work better as links to full-page arrays; right now, the Total group can be seen on the front page, or behind the "Explore" link. Most Popular would work better as a full page also--here it only lists 3 Kites!

So I'm not really sure what we need at the bottom of the front page, or what amount of screen space it demands. We could scroll comments from Kites that the user has commented on or supported, kites that originated from users whom the user has supported, or kites that might be similar to the user's kites, but that might work better in a right sidebar, keeping the bottom bar small (which, spacewise, would agree with the vertical scrolling of kites).

On Kite pages, there's sort of a different opportunity for the bottom bar. Right now, it looks like the only place for a user to provide detailed info on a Kite or its progress is in the Description/Overview, or in comments. I imagine that some people will want to document progress that they've made on their Kites in dated text updates. The bottom bar (or a portion of it) might work as sort of a drawer of links to those:

7/8/13 - Made this Kite 7/12/13 - Made a contact! 8/15/13 - Really frustrated, but thanks for the comments! etc.

They could pop up a scrolling window with left-right navigation to move from one entry to the next.

Maybe that's down the line. In any case, right now the bottom bar feels like it could be used better.

disparlure commented 10 years ago

Need to develop better stats, the fact that the bottom bar will be default hidden will allay fears that a big useless block will take up screenspace.