LifeSciHack / LifeSciHack2019

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Project Proposal - Macrocosm #18

Open jctobey opened 5 years ago

jctobey commented 5 years ago

Idea: Design a predictive analytics tool that harnesses the power of big data to allow health insurance providers to react to real-time trends in symptoms and diagnoses by geolocation to better serve their client base.

Technologies Being Used: MongoDB for the database to house geolocation information and search queries (Model), Leaflet.js to provide heat mapping for search queries based on geolocation point, APIMedic to provide information on corellation between symptoms and diagnoses, Javascript, CSS, HTML and Bootstrap (View), Node Express for HTML Routes and serving pages, Mongoose ORM for creating Mongo API routes (Controller).

Team Members: David Ho James Tobey Miguel Iglesias Ravithej Chikkala

Background: The ability to easily integrate big data into real-time business analysis for health insurance companies has enormous potential in allowing insurance companies to cater to client needs. Tracking geolocation-specific user searches on symptoms, and the correlation of those symptoms with diagnoses, allows health insurance companies to proactively introduce potential solutions to epidemiological trends before clients ever visit a doctor.

Goal: Design a tool which helps which helps analyze geolocation-specific symptom search data to better inform insurance companies of epidemics and user-reported symptom trends.

migueliglesiast commented 5 years ago

In! I'm going to work on the logo and the presentation rn