LigeroSmart / rocket-apps-botpress

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Botpress UI/Rich Text #4

Open gamalthb opened 8 months ago

gamalthb commented 8 months ago

Hi, does this botpress connector support the botpress UI such as action button, etc? i'm testing with the botpress simulator and the buttons seems there but when i try it in the connected rocket chat the buttons is not there.

blazejstarosta commented 7 months ago

Same question here.

Currently, the connector only supports plain text messages. All the interactive elements sent by Botpress are completely ignored.

It seems weird, because the settings of this connector app mentions options regarding Quick Replies. As a matter of fact, you have the whole functionality set up in lib/Message.ts but the option to generate messages containing these messages is commented out in line 39:

const actionsBlock: IActionsBlock = { type: BlockType.ACTIONS, elements };
await createMessage(rid, read, modify, { text }, http);
// await createMessage(rid, read, modify, { actionsBlock });

Was there any reason this got commented out?