LightAndLight / ipso

A functional scripting language.
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Confusing type error #434

Open LightAndLight opened 2 weeks ago

LightAndLight commented 2 weeks ago


$ cat test.ipso
test : Array a -> Bool
test items =
  case array.find (\_ -> false) of
    None () -> false
    Some _ -> true

$ ipso --check test.ipso
test.ipso:4:5: error: expected kind "Type", got kind "Row"
4 |     None () -> false
  |     ^

The mistake is that I forgot to pass the array argument to array.find, so I'm trying to pattern match on a function Array a -> (| Some : a, None : () |).

If the scrutinee determines the type of the pattern, then the type error should be:

test.ipso:4:5: error: expected type "Array a -> (| Some : a, None : () |)", got type "(| None : (), r |)"
4 |     None () -> false
  |     ^