LightTable / Vim

Vim keybindings for Light Table
MIT License
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Visual mode selection doesn't include character under cursor #22

Open mpereira opened 10 years ago

mpereira commented 10 years ago

Expected behavior: evaluating an arbitrary unit of code selected with the visual mode requires selecting exactly the code users want to evaluate.

Actual behavior: evaluating an arbitrary unit of code selected with the visual mode requires users to select one character further, unless an exception is throw. The exception thrown is related to malformed selections being evaluated.

Demonstration: lighttable_eval_selection

Light Table 0.6.2/Vim plugin 0.0.2

cldwalker commented 10 years ago

I've also been experiencing this bug, specifically with v%. This behavior appears to be an issue in vanilla CodeMirror which is what LT uses under the hood. To see for yourself, try their vim demo. A peculiar thing about this bug is that the selection doesn't effect yanking e.g. v%y but it does effect LT's ability to eval. Please report this upstream.

cldwalker commented 9 years ago

Checked the latest demo and this seems to be fixed upstream. Once we can upgrade (#45), this should be fixed