Lightning-AI / litgpt

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Add release workflow #1348

Closed carmocca closed 1 week ago

carmocca commented 3 weeks ago

The release steps are simple. They are done manually at the moment. They could be automated into a workflow dispatch action so that anybody can click the button.

Current steps:

Additionally, this workflow could also create and push a git tag.

More information on this topic:

rasbt commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe we could optionally also make a tag for the release version. This could come in handy when debugging user issues.

Otherwise, this looks good, it's also what I usually did for my packages. We could add this as a file or so for future reference in addition to making a workflow for this.

carmocca commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, I mentioned it above:

Additionally, this workflow could also create and push a git tag.

Another common alternative is that creating the tag itself triggers the release process. Either option is good