Lightning-AI / litgpt

Pretrain, finetune, deploy 20+ LLMs on your own data. Uses state-of-the-art techniques: flash attention, FSDP, 4-bit, LoRA, and more.
Apache License 2.0
6.85k stars 726 forks source link - Instruct how to get HF_TOKEN #1380

Closed natanloterio closed 2 weeks ago

natanloterio commented 2 weeks ago

This PR aims to improve the instructions on the about how to use the Hugging Face access token Although having this setup already is common knowledge to the experienced ML engineer, the new engineer might still need to be told how to do that.

After going through this situation myself ( see [#1363 ] ), I'm making this humble contribution to the project adding instructions on the on how to get an Hugging Face access token.

Let me know what do you think.


rasbt commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks a lot for the PR. We recently trimmed the Readme to keep it more minimal, but I agree that there should be some mention of the access token, which is required for some models. We do have a tutorial section on that in the download documents. I think the header was not very clear though so it was not easy to find.

I hope you don't mind, but I modified your PR a bit to link to the relevant documentation section instead.

natanloterio commented 2 weeks ago

Looks good 👍