Lightning-AI / litgpt

Pretrain, finetune, deploy 20+ LLMs on your own data. Uses state-of-the-art techniques: flash attention, FSDP, 4-bit, LoRA, and more.
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generate/lora is tied to Alpaca instruction style #825

Closed DavidGOrtega closed 3 months ago

DavidGOrtega commented 6 months ago

The script is tied to Alpaca prompt style. I can understand that basically all the prepare scripts enforces Alpaca style, however generate/base is agnostic (for good!)

prompt = generate_prompt(sample)

carmocca commented 6 months ago

This is because the finetune/ is tied to the alpaca instruction style too, and that is the generation script linked to finetune/

What would you suggest we do instead?

DavidGOrtega commented 6 months ago

This is because the finetune/ is tied to the alpaca instruction style too,

Is it? aside this line that could be whatever, whats the other dependency? Its going to swallow any and

What would you suggest we do instead?

Leave it as base, I mean just pass the instruction style prompt

python generate/  --checkpoint_dir $OUT_DIR/ --prompt "### Instruction:\nList three rivers in Europe\n\n### Response:"
python generate/  --checkpoint_dir $OUT_DIR/ --prompt "### Instruction:\nList three rivers in Europe\n\n### Response:"
carmocca commented 6 months ago

That's an interesting solution, however, there's one more necessary change which is importing the LoRA version of the model: and merging the weights if necessary:

DavidGOrtega commented 6 months ago

sorry @carmocca I do not follow it. Why is that related to Alpaca? The only change needed would be just remove the Alpaca prompter, right?

carmocca commented 6 months ago

If you lora-finetuned a model without following the alpaca prompt format, and you want to try generation, then yes, you would only need to remove the alpaca format from the generation script. You would still want to use the generate/ script to use the correct model definition.

DavidGOrtega commented 6 months ago

Thats the purpose of this issue 🙂 . To be able to generate with non Alpaca lora weights not having to merge them.

awaelchli commented 4 months ago

We could go down the HF path and save the instruction template as part of the checkpoint/config file (generation_config). Then any script that loads a checkpoint would have to read and apply the template. This would make it portable but of course it introduces more boilerplate logic everywhere. The direction lit-gpt is going, this is probably going to be necessary sooner or later though.

carmocca commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure it should be config-based as that will be limited in supporting multi-turn conversations (related #308)

As a v1, I would suggest adapting and building on top so that prompt configs and conversation configs can be programmatically written and used in different scripts. With the requirement that they are supported directly the function(s) instead of making them externally configurable

DavidGOrtega commented 4 months ago

Sorry for the late reply. I had an accident prior to Christmas and I did not have the chance to contribute to this repo.

if"TinyLlama.*Chat", checkpoint_name):

I would stay totally away of this just because the instruction prompt is not tied to the model itself, depends on the dataset i.e. you can find mistral with chatml, zephyr, etc...

To me what should be done (and I can do) is leave the prompt empty and leave the user to feed the desired prompt.